DLSU’s Online Payment Gateway (OPG) using VISA and Mastercard credit cards and debit cards


DLSU Gateway | Mobile Phone / Internet Banking | Over the Counter (OTC)

Step 1

Log in your MyLasalle account

Step 2

Go to View Assessment (with Online Payment) facility

Step 3

Select the Academic Year & Term then Submit.

Step 4

Select Payment Option, then Proceed to Online Payment

And click Proceed in the next page

Step 5

You will be directed to Unionbank payment gateway

Step 6

If online payment is successful, you will receive an email confirmation.

You are encouraged to take a screenshot of your transaction approval. In case you will need to coordinate with the Accounting office in the future, this screenshot can serve as proof of payment.

Payment Reminders


  1. A printed copy of the Official Receipt (OR) will be provided when work resumes on campus. In the meantime, OR details will be provided ten (10) working days from the date of payment coursed through official channels enumerated below. You can view these OR details in your MLS Account.

  2. For those who are not able to receive their OR details including RF (for scholars) after ten (10) working days, please accomplish this Google Form.

  3. Please DO NOT PAY through other UNOFFICIAL channels or payment facilities (e.g. GCash, Instapay, Over the Counter (OTC) and online bank payments using banks other than those listed below). These will NOT BE REFLECTED AS PAYMENTS in your enrollment records.

  1. All inquiries and requests for clarification should be emailed to accounting@dlsu.edu.ph using your official dlsu.edu.ph email account.

  2. Please save a screenshot of your view assessment from your immediate previous term as OR details are reflected, you may need this for activation of your MLS account or simply as proof of payment.

  3. Please submit your proof of payment at: http://bit.ly/FAOProofofPayment

For further clarification or question, email may be sent to the chief cashier Mr. Jose Albania at jose.albania@dlsu.edu.ph or accounting@dlsu.edu.ph