Current Issues - 9/10

Course description

Current Issues 9/10 is a semester course designed to help students understand, interpret, and develop positions on events and issues in today’s world. Using inquiry-based case studies, students will answer compelling questions surrounding the 1st amendment and how it applies to them in school; media literacy and the role that mainstream media has on the current culture of the United States; and the political party system and how it creates and hinders progress in the United States. Students will be expected to research and discuss issues as they evolve and trace the roots of recurring social, political, economic and educational issues. Students will develop and use essential skills including investigative inquiry, interpretation & evaluation of media sources, reflective thinking, thoughtful examination of major political topics, and the ability to articulate and defend core beliefs.

Taking this class can also count towards your progress in the Global Academy.

Current Issues 9/10 - Course Information

Open to 9th and 10th grade students

Learning Format: Traditional and Blended

Course Length: Semester