Course description
This course is designed for students desiring to obtain an understanding of the human condition through the discipline of Anthropology and its unique approach to examining the origins, development, and nature of humans and their cultures. Anthropology shows the tremendous diversity of human beings and their ways of life while at the same time revealing their underlying unity. In this course, students will come to know the four major sub-fields: physical anthropology, archaeology, socio-cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. This course will cover many topics such as human evolution and variation, prehistory and culture change, aspects of communication, and social organization and structure. This course will encourage the student to suspend his/her value judgments in order to understand why human beings—in their different cultural contexts—believe, think, speak, and socially behave the way they do. As an extension of this course students will have the opportunity to complete a field study in the sub-field of archaeology during the summer.
Taking this class can also count towards your progress in the Global Academy.
Open to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students
Learning Format: Traditional and Blended
Course Length: Semester
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 9th grade Social Studies requirement