Leadership Team

A cross-functional leadership team sets a clear vision for the school, its culture, and what teaching 

and learning look like before putting technology in classrooms. 

All subtopics align with the VILS outcomes and guiding questions align with the criteria in the Portfolio Framework Guide. Use the questions to guide your reflection on the artifacts to narrate your journey toward the goals.

Meet the Team

Angela Smyers

VILS Organization and Teacher Leader Team Lead

Digital Learning Coach

"Mrs. Smyers is passionate about building capacity in all staff. Creating leaders across the campus shifts the culture of the campus."

Nellie Brooke

VILS Teacher Leader Team Professional Learning Team Lead 

8th Grade Social Studies

Ms. Brooke is an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher.  She excels at giving students choice in their learning.

Matia BRittman

VILS Teacher Leader Team Storyteller and Social Media Team Lead

AVID Campus Coordinator

Mrs. Brittman has contagious energy and enthusiasm that spread across the campus. 

Implementing powerful learning experiences for students and teachers: School and District Leadership 

Guiding question:

Improving teaching practices for technology integration: Teacher Leader Corps

Guiding questions:
