Family Newsletter
Greetings Ruby Young Personalized STEAM Academy Families,
Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing Moms, Aunties, Grandmothers, and Guardians of our Ruby Young students. I hope your day was filled with love and happiness.
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in Teacher Appreciation Week. We are sincerely thankful for your generosity and kindness. The staff greatly appreciates you. Thank you!
This week we will hold our Awards Ceremonies, please see below for the dates and times. We hope to see you there.
Is your 5th grader interested in Band next year? Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Band Signing Day from 6:00-8:00pm at DeSoto High School Band Hall. See flyer below for more information.
Field Day will be held on Thursday, May 23rd for 3rd-8th grade students and on Friday, May 24th for Kinder-2nd grade students. In order to maintain a high level of safety & security, no visitors will be allowed on campus during field day. If you would like to purchase a field day short for your student, click on this link: https://forms.gle/LaobMbrBVA7jEEk17
Are you interested in summer enrichment for your 2nd -8th grader? Please see the flyer below.
Current 6th & 7th grade families: Is your student interested in participating in Athletics next year? Please see the flyer below for information on strength and conditioning camp.
Cell Phones - Please help us by reminding your student that cellphones must be turned off and put up during the school day. We are seeing an increase in students using their cellphones. Please refer to the district cell policy attached.
Please check the Community Resources for job postings, summer activities, and community events.
Take care,
Mrs. Torres
School Counselor

Wednesday, May 15th at 5:30PM: 8th grade Crossover/Awards Ceremony
Friday, May 17th at 8:30 - Kindergarten Graduation
Friday, May 17th at 10:00 - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade Awards Ceremony
Friday, May 17th at 1:00 - 4th & 5th Grade Awards Ceremony
Friday, May 17th at 2:30 - 6th & 7th Grade Awards Ceremony
Families of 7th & 8th grade students:
Please participate in our College Driven Gear Up Family Engagement Events.
Students are able to earn Gear Up bucks for participating.
Community Opportunities & Resources

CogAT testing Information
Family Engagement Newsletters

DeSoto ISD Family Engagement
Elementary Newsletter

DeSoto ISD Boletin para Padres
Boletin de Escuela Elementaria

DeSoto ISD Family Engagement
Middle School Newsletter

DeSoto ISD Boletin para Padres
Boletin de Escuela Secundaria



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