Family Newsletter
Greetings Ruby Young Personalized STEAM Academy Families,
We have a busy and short month ahead of us.
This week all of our students are testing. Attendance is critical this week. Please assist us by ensuring that your students are getting a good night's rest and arriving to school on time.
Kinder students will be taking the TX-KEA assessment this week.
1st & 2nd grade students will be taking TPRI assessments this week.
3rd-8th grade students will be taking the STAAR Reading & Math Interim Assessment.
Attention Middle School Parents (6th-8th grade): College Driven GEAR UP is hosting a middle school sneaker ball on Wednesday, December 13th from 6-8pm at the DeSoto High School academy cafeteria.
In order for students to get a ticket to the dance, they MUST bring 2 UNOPENED toys to Mrs. Williams in support of Dr. Rodgers toy drive. Toys will be collected until December 12th. Toys WILL NOT be accepted at the dance. *Limited amount of tickets available*
Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Please save the date for our Winter on Young event! We invite all of our families to join us on Monday, December 18th from 5:00-6:30. We are looking for small business owners (providing goods or services), community organizations, churches, etc. If you are interested in participating as a vendor, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/GeNvjnnRAw6o1pgg9
This Wednesday is our last Drone Academy class from 4:00-5:00pm. Students will be taking their test during the class.
Please check the Community Resources for information on toy and food giveaways.
Take care,
Mrs. Torres
School Counselor
Dates to Remember
Monday, December 4th: K-2 testing
Tuesday, December 5th: K-2 testing
Wednesday, December 6th: K-2 testing
3rd-8th grade Reading STAAR Interim Assessment
LAST Drone Academy Class 4:00-5:00
Thursday, December 7th: K-2 testing
3rd-8th grade Math STAAR Interim Assessment
Friday, December 8th: K-2 testing
Community Opportunities & Resources



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