Social+Emotional Support

PDHS is staffed with counselors that focus on the mental well-being of our students through individual and group counseling services. If you are a student or a parent in need of social or emotional support, please click on the yellow box below to request assistance. 

Palm Desert High School offers group counseling support in the following areas:

Anti-Anxiety Group

Site-based school counseling group designed to help students learn coping strategies necessary to address stress and anxiety.

Stress and Your Mood

Stress is an automatic physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event and a normal part of everyone's life.  When channeled positively, stress can lead to growth, action and change.  Negative stress can lessen the quality of life.  This small group will focus on skills to use to enhance one's ability to cope with adversity, practice relaxation techniques and improve personal relationships.

Interested in group  counseling?

Schedule an appointment to meet with your counselor. Your counselor may offer short-term individual counseling first and/or have you complete a questionnaire to find out which group would be most appropriate before referring you for group counseling.