Dystopian World

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Audiobook available from borrowbox!

The Enemy Charlie Higson

ebook available on overdrive!

The first of a series of 8 books. All over 14s have died from a dreadful plague-like illness or turned into flesh-eating murderous enemies who chase, attack and eat youngsters that they catch. The youngsters have to set up their own communities and avoid the adults. They are not zombies because they are not dead.

Suitable aged 12+


The Dead Charlie Higson

ebook available on overdrive ereading!

Book 2 of the series but actually set one year before The Enemy. If you know London it would be great to follow the groups across the city as they move from sanctuary to sanctuary fighting the remaining adults as they do. The children have weapons now but it is using their wits that keeps them alive.

Suitable for age 12+


Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neill

This is a real page turner. I couldn't put it down once I started and was horrified when I finished! This is an alarming vision of the roles of women in a not too distant future.

"The school trains them to be pretty. The school trains them to be good. The school trains them to always be willing. Only the best will be chosen and only the men decide."

This book has stayed with me for a long time and I can still feel the shock I felt while reading it.


The Fear Charlie Higson

Book 3 in this very gruesome series of books. More of the same; children and changed adults chasing and killing one another across London. However gangs are now building up amongst the children in their various locations and Justin wants to be King! At the same time the 'others' are changing as well, remembering or learning how to use tools and weapons. Very quick evolution.

Age 12+


The Sacrifice Charlie Higson

Book 4 in the series. Groups are established in St Paul's cathedral, Buckingham Palace, House of Commons, the Tower of London and supermarkets. All have established a democracy with leader and fighters to protect the group. Development of sickos and children continue with the St Paul's group worshipping the sicko in the basement. Still gruesome with many attacks on both children and adults.

Age 12+


The Fallen Charlie Higson

Book 5 in a series of 7. In this novel we discover that not all adults are bad and not all children are good. In the Natural History Museum Paul goes on the attack to avenge the death of his little sister. We meet a group of kids who lived in a laboratory who have hideous physical conditions due to their parents experimenting on themselves with drugs in the labs. An adult they capture seems to be remarkably ordinary and in the hugest coincidence yet, is the father of one of the lab kids. Ella has been searching for her brother for the last couple of books, she is convinced that he isn't dead and now he turns up, just after Ella left to go and live in the country! Still plenty of fighting, gore and guts, this time with a bit more bad language. A good pacy read that holds your attention.

Aged 12+


The Hunted Charlie Higson

Book 6 in the series. Ella is left alone when the rest of her group are killed while trying to move out to the country. She is befriended by Malik who seems to be an intelligent adult but turns out to be a hideously disfigured fourteen year old. Out in the country the communities are established along town lines, eg Ascot and Slough. Competition has returned to their society and they establish a Roman gladiator type competition where the idea is to kill captured Sickos. Malik ens up as one of these sickos. Can Ella recognise him in time and save him from almost certain death?

Age 12+


The End Charlie Higson

Book 7 and final book of the series. The scientists amongst the children find a probable means of spread of the disease. They can prevent further cases but first they have to get rid of the current crop. A huge battle ensues in Hyde Park where many are killed, both sickos and children, including some of the heroes of earlier books.

The crowd from the country bring extra man-power just as things are looking rough and the leader of the sickos, St George is finally killed. The main danger is now eradicated and the children have the means of preventing a recurrence. Surprise, surprise, Sam and Ella are reunited at last.

Age 12+


Numbers by Rachel Ward

Nothing mathematical about this book! The story is about 15-year-old Jem and her ‘gift’ of being able to see the date of people’s death when she looks into their eyes. As a result, Jem avoids relationships until she meets Spider. They plan a day out to London together and the events of that day lead to her life taking a new twist.

Absolutely gripping!

Sarah Coomes reads this audiobook on BorrowBox and I thought her telling suited the story perfectly.

This book is the first in an apocalyptic trilogy- the next two books are ‘Chaos’ and ‘Infinity’