Visual Art

Visual Arts involves students immersing themselves in both art making and art theory, expressing themselves in their own ideas while exploring how other artists create their works.

What will you learn

In class you will have the opportunity to experiment with various materials such as charcoal and graphite drawing, painting using acrylic and watercolours paints. Exploring digital media through using camera's and Photoshop software, printmaking, ceramics and sculpture.

How will you learn

In year 11 , you will practice how to make, resolve and refine your art work using a range of different materials, exploring the Landscape, Self-portrait and Modern art practices.

You will also spend time practicing how to read, research and write about artist and artworks.

In yr 12, you will undertake a Body of Work in an Expressive Form of your choice.

How will you be assessed

The HSC Visual Arts (Stage 6) course is

50% practical - Your Body of Work

50% theory - 1hr 30 mins Examination

Your work will be assessed through studio practice, documentation in the Visual Arts Process Diary (VAPD), written test and examinations as well as research assignments.

You do not have to have done Visual Arts, Photographic and Digital Media or Visual Design- Ceramics in stage 5

in order to achieve outstanding results.

Types of Expressive Forms Explored

Photomedia Time-based Forms Sculpture Ceramics

Printmaking Graphic Design Textile and Fibre Painting

Design Objects Documented Forms Collection of Works Drawing

Experiences Offered

Year 11 Excursion

Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA)

Year 12 Excursion

Art Gallery of NSW

stage 6 subject mrket

Watch the clip see the types of work you will do

stage 6 subject mrket

Hear from past students talking about their experience in Visual Arts

Listen to Current year 12 students talk about Visual Arts

Examples of HSC Bodies of Work

2019 Yr HSC Bodies of Work.mp4

2019 HSC BOWs

2018 HSC yr12

2018 HSC BOWs

2017 yr12

2017 HSC BOWs


2016 HSC BOWs

2015 BOW.avi

2015 HSC BOWs


2014 HSC BOWs

2013 BOW.avi

2013 HSC BOWs


2012 HSC BOWs

2011 BOW.avi

2011 HSC BOWs

Equipment Needed

A4 VAPD (Visual Arts Process Diary)

A4 Lever arch Folder with Loose leaf paper