Photographic and Digital Media

Stage 5

This subject will allow you to view, document and respond to your world in a unique way, building skills with a variety of cameras, digital editing and design software, as well as examining a range of related photographers

What will you learn

Photographic and Digital Media (PDM) enables you to develop an interest in and enjoyment of investigating the rapidly evolving ideas, practice and technology of this art form. Through critical reflections and acquiring understanding, knowledge and skills, you will investigate and explore the ideas and art practices of others by creatively developing your own work.

How will you learn

You will explore basic photography skills through the exploration of experimental techniques to manipulate images as well as gain skills in basic digital imagery and associated software

Photographic and Digital Media is offered two ways as a

  • 100 hours course for one year

  • 200hours course for two years

How will you be assessed

50% practical and 50% theory course

In this course you will explore photography and digital media in both theoretical and practical work. You will be required to document your art-making as well as complete research on artists who use photography, electronic media and digital manipulation to make art.

Types of Expressive Forms Explored



Digital Manipulation

Digital Manipulation

Light Painitng

Light Painting

2019 Digi Ed.mp4


Copy of baba booie.m4v


Experiences Offered


Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA)


Digi Ed Animation workshop

Master Class

with artist Peter Solness


Related subjects in year 11 and 12

Visual Arts - 2 unit HSC subject

Photography, Video and Digital Imaging - 1 unit subject in year 11

Visual Design - 1 unit subject in year 11

Ceramics - 1 unit subject in year 11

10 PDM students.MP4

Hear what our students have to say about PDM

Equipment Needed

A4 VAPD (Visual Arts Process Diary)