The Scroll Home Page
Grants Pass High School Student Digital Newspaper - The March 2021 Issue
In this Issue of The Scroll: Hybrid School, Texas Frozen Over!, GPHS Photojournalism, Living With Bipolar Disorder, and The Infamous Shamrock Shake's Return! + so so much more!
hybrid's possible beginning
Hello, wonderful Scrollers. Wow! It's already March!?...Again...? How are you feeling about hybrid school starting up this month? So far, there are a lot of mixed feelings about it. The majority of students and staff are feeling nervous, especially for the poor freshies who are completely new to high school this year. Remember that your community is here to help you, if you are having difficulties with navigating the halls, finding your classes and bus, or even just struggling with going back to school again, then communicate that! You are not alone in your nerves and everyone expects the first week or two to be one for trial and error. Be patient with yourself as you learn how to be a functioning student/staff member again.
Going back to school after a whole year with all these new systems in place is not going to be easy, but we can figure it out together, and for those of you who are excited: here's to a great rest of your year at GPHS!
The Scroll appreciates your support. Take care of yourself out there. And as always...
Thanks for Scrolling!
-The Scroll Team :)
The front of the GPHS core building and the main stairs- credit to, Scroll Photojournalist, Ella Hayes, February 2021.
Attention GPHS students!
If you use the Performing Arts Center often and you agree that the place needs a major cleaning and organizing behind the scenes, the theatre department has implemented weekly workdays to do deep cleanings of the much-needed closets, rooms, and other nooks and crannies with inches of dust.
If cleaning and grooming are where you shine, this is definitely the event for you. If organizing closets and boxes tickles your fancy more than getting your hands dirty, we also have options for you, as well. Now and then (normally every month), we'll even schedule one of our work-days to be a movie night in order to give our helpers a much-needed break. Back in February, we watched La La Land in the main auditorium while maintaining a six-foot distance.
Photo credit: Taken by Sean Glover, January 2021.
This photo collage provided on the right showcases many tasks we have taken care of in the past couple of months, including organizing the theatre program's props cabinet, cleaning out drawers of old posters and playbills, and making fun of Mr. Hauke with every chance we get.
If this event sounds like something that you're interested in, make sure to contact Mr. Hauke at before you come in. Every work day is on Friday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm-- following the current procedures that have been applied to after-school functions. Thank you for your interest and support, and happy Scrolling!
-Sean Glover; Photojournalist & Writer
The Unwanted One Year Anniversary... Wait: it's march already?!
Covid-19 has been hard on everyone... the least we can do is to cope through humor every now and then. We hope you'll appreciate this cartoon done by our amazing Cartoonist.
Cartoon by Kayla Feskens (Check out Cartoon Corner for more!)
Confused on how to find and navigate The Scroll monthly issues? We understand! Our format can be a bit confusing for newcomers--fortunately enough, we compiled this guide to help you out. We offer navigation guides for both mobile and desktop. Just scroll down until you see your preferred method.
How To Access Our Issues
Usually, we distribute our issues through Instagram and via email district-wide. See below for some other ways you can access our previous or current issues!
*Latest issues will always be on the top of the pages while older archived issues are towards the bottom.
- Instagram (Mobile)
We have a Link Tree link in our Instagram bio with all previous and present Scroll issue links available to you (don't worry if Instagram gives you a redirect notice, we promise the link in our bio is safe to click on). Our latest issues will always be available towards the top.
Please feel free to give us a follow on Instagram @gphscroll to get release day notices and share around our issues!
1.) Go to The Scroll Instagram page @gphscroll and click the link in our bio.
2.) Link should lead you to the page displayed. Now you can look through our wonderful selection of Scroll issues!
Navigating Our Site
The page that usually pops up first is The Scroll's homepage (the page where you're reading this right now), but that's not all of The Scroll! All of our articles and content are organized on pages. You can access all of this content by scrolling up to the page you're on and clicking on an article name or hovering over the "More v" tab. This is explained further below in a visual format for your convenience:
Computer Site Navigation
1.) Scroll to the top of the homepage and click on either an article title. To access the rest of the content, click or hover over the "More v" button in the top rightmost corner for the list of all our other columns.
2.) Boom! The page you're on is now the desired content/article you wish to enjoy. Simply scroll down to read.
Mobile Site Navigation
1.) Click on the 3 bars in the top left corner at the very top of the page.
2.) Scroll through all of the titles and click whichever one you want to look at.
3.) Voila! That entire page is its own content for your viewing enjoyment.
How We Organize Our Issues
Our Homepage houses our team introduction section, important information you need to know, and featured content that we want front and center of the issue. Usually, we will also have a quick monthly snippet about seasonal events. All other articles are usually available under the "More v" button (as shown above). Monthly recurring columns tend to be more towards the bottom of the "More v" drop list.
If you have any further questions, you can contact our team advisor and president at these emails:
Jenny Tyrrell, Club Advisor:
Milan Geurin, President:
The scroll is recruiting Members!
The Scroll team, while fiercely dedicated and diverse in their talents, can always use more members. We're hoping to continue producing a larger variety in content for our readers, but we only have so many writers! Some positions that we're looking for are Cartoonists, Spanish Translators, Interviewers, Editors, and (with high demand) Sports Reporters. Even if those positions don't interest you, we're eager for any quality content that Grants Pass High School students can provide. We are more than willing to welcome any other contributions to our issues. You don't even have to be apart of the team to send in content!
Why should I join? How do I join?
Something that's great about The Scroll is that we encourage individualized content. Our team is all about promoting the ongoing events at GPHS, but our main focus is projecting student voice. The Scroll loves encouraging student passion and expression. If you, or any other GPHS student you know, would be interested in joining The Scroll, then please refer to our "Contact The Scroll!" tab on this site to receive more details on our contact information and meeting times. At most, all you'll have to do is give an example of your writing/skill to our advisor, Mrs. Tyrrell. You can also earn Journalism credit if you join early enough in the year and consistently contribute to issues. We would love to expand our team and bring even more student voice to The Scroll. With your contributions and membership, we can do just that. We look forward to potentially seeing you at future meetings.
Can Gladiola students join?
Absolutely! In fact, The Scroll needs more Gladiola student voice, as we currently have no Gladiola students writing for our issues. The Scroll would happily welcome Gladiola students to our team!
Thanks again,
Digital Editor - Milan Geurin
March 2021 Issue The Scroll Staff:
Club Advisor & Editor: Jenny Tyrrell
Chief Digital Editor: Milan Geurin
Digital Editors: Deenie Bulyalert, Pooja Patel
Writers: Deenie Bulyalert, Milan Geurin, Abe J. Selvas, Ella Hayes, Kayla Feskens, Liv Akers
Satire Specialist: Sean Glover
Pop Culture Reporters: Liv Akers, Sean Glover, Justin Vinyard
Current Events Reporters: Pooja Patel, Mariah Lumsden, Sadie Allison
Photojournalist/Video & Photo Editors: Sean Glover, Ella Hayes
Cartoonists: Kayla Feskens
Spanish Translators: Abe J. Selvas, Isabeau Redlinger
*Special Shout out to Mrs. Connelly for being our biggest fan.
Staff Note: We are recruiting all kinds of talents! Even if you don't see a position title here that tickles your fancy, then here's the awesome thing about The Scroll... you can make your own! We can use any and all skills to help make The Scroll as best as it can be.
Milan geurin
The Scroll President, Chief Digital Editor, & Writer
Hey Scrollers, my name is Milan, and I'm a junior here at Grants Pass High School. As president and chief digital editor, my whole job is to help format and put together each month's The Scroll edition. I also run any meetings and am generally in charge of making sure that students' voices, creations, and projects can be projected to our readers as smoothly as possible. This is my third year being a part of The Scroll, and my second year as its president. I love what I do here at The Scroll and I hope to consistently write, produce, and edit The Scroll for the remainder of my time here at GPHS. I'm also an officer for two other clubs, and am a dedicated member of multiple other clubs. If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me at my email:
I would like to take a moment to appreciate Mrs. Tyrrell, all my teachers who got my writing to this point, our readers, and all of The Scroll's writers and contributors for making The Scroll happen.
Thanks for reading and supporting The Scroll team members. Happy Scrolling!
Liv Akers
The Scroll Vice President, Reporter, Writer
Hey, Scroll readers!
I’m Liv, and those of you who regularly read The Scroll will be seeing quite a bit of me. I’m a junior here at GPHS, and have been living in Grants Pass since sixth grade. I specialize in feature articles, and primarily cover topics such as marching band, current events, and random miscellaneous things that I want to share with people. I love Journalism, and hope to maybe even pursue a career in it one day, so I love feedback from readers! I also run The Scroll's Instagram page (@gphscroll).
Thanks for reading The Scroll and, hopefully, my writing will connect with some of you as I play my role here at The Scroll.
You can contact me at :)
Ella hayes
Photojournalist, Writer, Reporter
Hello! My name is Ella Hayes, and I am a junior here at Grants Pass High School. I am a writer and photojournalist for The Scroll. I took Journalism class as a freshman, and this is my second year as part of The Scroll. I am very passionate about all kinds of writing, though I prefer to write factual, historical, creative, and photojournalism articles. Every month, you can see my YA Book Review column with new updates. I am involved in several activities through the school, such as band and winter guard. A couple of my favorite activities are reading, hiking, and photography. I am eager about any story at GPHS or any current events, so don’t be afraid to contact me about any story you would like to see in The Scroll! My email is
Thank you, and enjoy reading!
Sean Glover
Video/Photo Editor, Photojournalist, Writer
Hello, Scroll readers! My name is Sean Glover, and I am currently a junior at Grants Pass High School. I am a journalist, as well as the video/photo editor for The Scroll, occasionally helping with other things, as well (since we definitely need it). I’ve been very invested in writing since I was in 5th grade, and have excelled greatly in that area. This includes short stories I’ve created, creative pieces of literature, and screenplays and straight plays I’ve written. You may have seen me or will see me on the stage, as I also enjoy performing in choir and in theatre. I’ve been acting and singing for about eight years, and plan on continuing these activities through high school and college.
Thank you for reading The Scroll, and I hope you enjoy this wonderful collage of articles, interviews, and whatever our digital editor (look above for more details) decides to slap on the front page. If you need to contact me, my email is
Kayla Feskens
Cartoonist, Writer
Hello! My name is Kayla Feskens and I am a sophomore at Grants Pass High School. I'm a cartoonist and a writer. This is my first full year being a part of The Scroll. I have been in art classes every semester in high school so far and I've always loved drawing, which is how I started making comics.
Every month, you can check out the Cartoon Corner for new comics and cartoons. I'm always looking for suggestions on what to draw next, so feel free to contact me if you have any ideas for a cartoon for the next issue! My email is
Thank you so much for reading The Scroll!
Deenie BulyALERT
Columnist, General Reporter, Writer
Hey, beautiful people! My name is Deenie. Weird name, I know, but it's kinda cool. You may or may not know me, but I am a sophomore at Grants Pass High School and a writer/editor here at The Scroll. Also, your new friend, if you wanna be.
If you are a recurring reader, then you have definitely seen my name around. I write articles and interview people for our monthly mental health column and our column that discusses local businesses. I also take on other projects, here and there. I love talking to people and understanding what makes them, them. If you need or want to contact me, my email is
Stay kind, you’re amazing, and have fun reading :)