A Scroll column where writer Justin Vinyard reviews the movies he has recently watched to avoid the problems of school and life.

movie reviews

by Justin Vinyard

Hello, all of you beautiful Scroll readers! If you’re like me and are absolutely drowning in homework and schoolwork, then a movie is the best way to forget about it and ruin your grades even more. So, of course, I will tell you the movies I watched this month instead of doing my Spanish and Biology homework. I suggest that, after you read this, you read Ella’s amazing book column (which this is definitely not a carbon copy of).

(If any of my teachers are reading this, then I’m sorry and I’ll go do my homework.)


I watch all of my movies on various streaming services. Usually, most of the movies I watch are on Disney+, which is $13.99 a year, Netflix, which is $17.99 a month, and HBO Max, which is $14.99 a month. There are different packages you can buy for different prices that might include Disney+ and Hulu.

To all the boys: always and forever

Directed by: Michael Fimognari

Genre: Romantic|Comedy

Rating: 2.5/5 stars

To All the Boys: Always and Forever is the third and final installment of the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy. Honestly, I usually like romcoms, but this is one I did not enjoy. I had the pleasure of watching it at 5 am the day that it came out and I truly regret watching it that early. I don’t know if it was because of how sleep-deprived I was or how cheesy the movie was, but I did not like this movie one bit. The main reason that I did not enjoy it was because you were able to guess the plot from the beginning of the movie, when the main character meets an NYU tour guide.

Another supporting reason that I did not enjoy this movie was just because the writers thought that making Laura-Jean and Peter “wrestle” was a good idea. If I were the director of that movie, I would fire that person on the spot, because I find a “wrestling” scene completely ridiculous. It is just a cheap plot tactic to make things happen.

Overall, my thoughts on this movie are that it started sort of good, but then it spiraled into a complete and total free-fall of a disaster until the very end of the movie. I think that the main issue was that the characters were made way too over-dramatic, and they made so many decisions that could’ve been easily been avoided. I think that, if you have not already started watching the trilogy, then you should avoid it because it gets boring, but if you have already watched the first and second movies, then you should watch it just so you finish it. I would give this movie a 2.7/5. I think that it’s 77% on Rotten Tomatoes is fitting, but if I could make my own score, then it would be 67%.