Adele's New Album

Hallie Johnson goes over Adele's New Album, 30, right after the release of this new kind of heartbreak album.

Adele's New album

By Hallie Johnson

Years in the making, Adele's new album, 30, has finally been released. Since 2018, Adele has been writing, recording, and carefully deciding whether or not she wanted to release this groundbreaking album. Named after her age, this album takes listeners through her divorce, and, more specifically, how it has affected their son, Angelo.

Coming in at a new, vulnerable angle, Adele brings her son into her music as she explains the divorce to him. Many songs include lyrics that bring her son into it, like in her lead single, “Easy On Me”, Adele sings, “I changed who I was to put you both first, but now I give up.” Heartbreaking as it is, it only gets more tear-jerking. Her song “My Little Love” is completely directed at Angelo. Throughout the song, listeners can hear conversations between Adele and Angelo. Their words range from sweet and pure to heart wrenching. Bringing her child into her music in such a personal and intimate way is a groundbreaking feat that Adele and fans alike should be celebrating.

Adele’s iconic music such as “Someone Like You” or “Water Under The Bridge'' carry a smooth ballad feeling to them that is familiar and easily recognizable in her music. With a six-year gap in between 25, her previous album, and 30, there are huge stylistic differences. Ever present in the song “Love Is A Game”, a more jazzy-pop sound breaks through. Back up singers are laced throughout the song, giving it that '60’s pop feel. Organ music is introduced into her music with the song “Strangers By Nature'', which was unexpectedly beautiful. Although this is not the same Adele the world has fallen in love with, audiences are embracing her new style, which is not just something new for the artist, but symbolizes the immense changes she has gone through in those six years. She has emerged as a new person and her music is the perfect medium to bring that change to light.

The emotional rollercoaster Adele was able to articulate and bring forward for her fans is truly noteworthy-- from feeling the loss of a marriage, to watching her child suffer from a newly broken home, to just an overall sense of loneliness and crushed spirits. In an article by Mia Mercado, she writes, “What Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour was to young heartbreak and the bittersweetness of a first love, Adele’s 30 is to the amicable-but-still-painful end of a relationship you’ve grown out of.” “Cry Your Heart Out” just might be a new healing heartbreak anthem. The album transitions smoothly between songs, preventing any emotional whiplash.

No matter their relationship status, anyone who listens to this new album is bound to feel even a twinge of heartbreak. Adele has changed the standard for heartbreak albums with 30. New depths of vulnerability have been reached and her fans could not be more excited to stand behind Adele as she puts everything on the line.