Connect to Unit Project

Did the teacher make clear connections and provide students with opportunities to connect the current lesson to a culminating unit project?

Why does this matter?

Extended writing tasks are text-based assignments that involve:

  • research and critical reading from multiple sources of information and ideas, and

  • the development of a sustained and well-substantiated argument or point of view.

These tasks are usually set to be undertaken within extended time frames. Students must engage in high-level reasoning and problem-solving as they generate their own creative response to the problem posed. With extended writing tasks, students can engage in deep learning, gain insights into multi-structural connections and relationships among concepts, and develop critical and creative reasoning skills.

-From the University and New South Wales,

The extended writing task asks students to apply multiple concepts and skills after engaging with multiple texts or sources in an authentic context. A thoughtful sequence of smaller, interim tasks helps students to practice and master discrete skills and enhances their ability to successfully complete the end-of-unit assignment. Logically-sequenced learning objectives help students to see connections between strategies taught and to be challenged by increasingly complex ideas. Spiralled objectives give repeated opportunities for practice. Sequenced and spiralled skills and strategies result in a well-defined writing task and ultimately, more coherent published writing.

What does this look like in a classroom?

In every HSE unit there is an extended writing task and a rubric. Teachers should be presenting the task to students early on in the unit and working toward that task as they teach the unit. Some components include:

● Spiraling of skills and concepts

● Interim tasks

● Enlarged, unit-aligned rubrics that outline goals and expectations

What does this look like in a remote learning context?

There are so many ways to engage students in meaningful projects through remote learning.

The website to the right, developed by New Hampshire schools, has many ideas and resources.

What are some key PD resources related to this topic?

The two resources to the right can be helpful in helping to plan for extended writing.

In addition to these, every unit should culminate in a project that somehow involves extended writing. Every unit is the HSE curriculum has both a traditional assessment and an extended writing task linked to the essential questions in the unit overview. Projects involving writing allow our students to communicate what they have learned to increasingly diverse audiences. projects make what students are learning become "real".

There are many resources about how to establish culminating more detailed projects for students:

Edutopia has a Guide for Project Based Learning

The Buck Institute for Education is completely dedicated to Project Based Learning and has many resources

The Cult of Pedagogy has an extensive blog post with resources on project based learning

What are special considerations / resources for Multilingual / English Language Learners?

The below article from the National Council of Teachers of English, discusses challenges and solutions for ELLs/ MLLs when writing:

We Are All Writers! Building Second Language Writing Skills

What are special considerations / resources for students with IEPs?

When it comes to writing routines for students with IEPs, the article below provides many specific strategies and resources:

Teaching Writing to Diverse Student Populations

How is this related to CR-SE? (Culturally Responsive /Sustaining Education)

The CR-SE states that teachers should: Provide students with opportunities to present to their peers through project- based or stations-based learning to leverage student experience and expertise. Building toward extended writing projects will make that happen!

How is this related to the Supportive Environment Framework / Social-Emotional Learning?

The Supportive Environment Framework states that "School leaders and staff effectively communicate expectations connected to a path to college and career readiness and successfully partner with families to support student progress toward those expectations." For our students to be ready for college and/or career, they need to be able to successfully complete extended writing projects!