Instructional Leadership Teams

“ILTs are driven by the belief that collective instructional leadership and strengthening teacher practice has the greatest impact on student learning.” - Fulan & Pinchot 2018

“The greatest influence on student progression in learning is having highly expert, inspired and passionate teachers and school leaders working together to maximize the effect of their teaching on all students in their care” - John Hattie 2015

Instructional leadership.pdf

This school year, all D79 schools will develop Instructional Leadership Teams. (ILT)

An ILT is a collaborative team dedicated to leading instructional improvement.

The ILT drives instructional change across the school by developing, facilitating, and monitoring a plan for instructional improvement in alignment with the DOE’s Instructional Leadership Framework, ensuring every student’s learning experience is considered.

Below are some critical resources related to ILTs.

What are key structures and processes that support ILTs?


●Regular Meeting times

●Structures for communication and sharing information between ILT meetings (sharing notes and progress toward action items)


●Collect and analyze both teacher and student level data

●Authentically seek input from teachers /students / family/ community

●Sharing the work of the ILT with the rest of the school community

Who should be on the ILT?

People who:

●Are key influencers across the school who embody a learning stance

●Represent multiple perspectives and experiences (content, grade level - HS/ MS/ HSE, student support staff, etc.)

●Have capacity to engage in critical self reflection and an ability to reflect on and improve practice through a mindset of high expectations for every student

Instructional Leadership Teams to the Rescue _ NASSP.pdf
5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Launching Your Instructional Leadership Team.pdf