Multilingual/ English Language Learners

D79 is firmly committed to an excellent education for ALL of our students.

Multilingual / English Language Learners are no exception. In fact, we are very proud that every one of our programs is focused on always improving outcomes for students with MLLs/ELLs.

On our Reading, Writing and Discussion pages we offer strategies that can work for ALL students and have explicit strategies for MLLs/ELLs there. This page is dedicated to additional instructional strategies that may benefit MLLs/ELLs.

It is important to note that for compliance and many other resources for MLLs/ELLs you should consult the DOE site dedicated to Multilingual Learners. You will need your DOE credentials to access that site.

Effective Overall Instructional Strategies for MLLs/ ELLs


Vocabulary instruction is possibly THE most critical factor in teaching MLLs/ELLs, for any subject. The Tip Sheet offers very useful guidance; the cognate list can help for our MLLs/ELLs whose first language is Spanish.


The video to the right -Improving Language Acquisition Among English Language Learners: Four Powerful Evidence Based Activities - is an excellent resource to use in any content areas.

Math Strategies for MLLs/ELLs

Math Instruction for English Language Learners by Kristina Robertson

Teaching Math and English to English Language Learners Simultaneously by David Slavit & Gisela Ernst-Slavit

These two resources both focus heavily on mathematics vocabulary; the first resource also contains many links to other resources. Both help with concrete strategies!

Math Instruction for English Language Learners _ Colorín Colorado.pdf
TeachingMathematics to ELLs.pdf

ELA Strategies for MLLs/ ELLs

Comprehension / Writing Resources

The 4 resources to the right - 2 about writing, 2 about reading comprehension -offer some simple and concrete strategies.

Reading Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners - ASCD Express 5.pdf
Writing and English as a Second Language.pdf
Tips for Teaching ELLs to Write.pdf
Supporting Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners - ReadWriteThink.pdf

Science Strategies for MLLs/ELLs

Teaching Science to English Language Learners: What do the NGSS Tell Us? by Diane Fenner

This article not only details how the Next Generation Science Standards impact instruction for MLLs/ELLs but also has links to other resources to support science instruction for MLLs/ELLs.

Teaching Science to English Language Learners_ What do the NGSS Tell Us_ _ Colorín Colorado.pdf

Remote Learning Strategies for MLLs/ELLs

Supporting MultiLingual Learners During the Covid 19 Shutdown

ENL Practices for Blended Learning - this is the powerpoint deck connected to the ACCESS PD related to MLL/ ELLs in blended

Links to MLLs/ELLs Instructional Resources - This is an INCREDIBLE site. It has a wide variety of articles, videos, and links to other resources for all things MLL/ELL.