8th Grade

Global Citizenship

An inquiry in to the natural world and its laws. The interaction between the natural world and human societies. The impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. Communities and the relationship within and between them. An inquiry into the rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things.

Habits of Success

  • Perspective - Recognizes and evaluates bias and point of view in the search for solutions.

  • Synthesis and Application - Synthesizes information from a variety of sources and experiences into new understanding; applies knowledge and skills.

  • Self Efficacy- Demonstrates confidence in communication of newly acquired ideas, knowledge and understanding.

Performance Indicators

MS16A: Documenting the Creative Process and Willingness to Try

MS17B: Developing Themed Artwork and Artistic Statements

MS18C: Analyzing the Context of Art

MS16B: Arranging Meaningful Visual Compositions

MS17A: Collaborating to Create and Present Art

Assignment 3: Age of Enlightenment City-scape

Habits of Success:

Synthesis and Application - Synthesizes information from a variety of sources and experiences into new understanding; applies knowledge and skills.

Self Efficacy- Demonstrates confidence in communication of newly acquired ideas, knowledge and understanding.

Performance Indicators:

MS16A: Documenting the Creative Process and Willingness to Try

MS16B: Arranging Meaningful Visual Compositions

Assignment 2: Sketchbooks

Habits of Success:

Synthesis and Application - Synthesizes information from a variety of sources and experiences into new understanding; applies knowledge and skills.

Self Efficacy- Demonstrates confidence in communication of newly acquired ideas, knowledge and understanding.

Performance Indicators:

MS16A: Documenting the Creative Process and Willingness to Try

Assignment 1: Puzzle Pieces

Habits of Success:

Self-Respect - Cares for own physical and mental wellness, keeps safe physically and emotionally, and shows self-control.

Creativity - Generates new ideas and pursues alternative solutions supported by evidence.

Performance Indicators:

MS16B: Arranging Meaningful Visual Compositions

MS17A: Collaborating to Create and Present Art

Art Connects Us.mov