(formerly known as FlipGrid)
How to Connect
Flip is a free social learning platform that allows one to ask a question or provide another provocation. Then others may respond in a video and even respond to one another, creating a web of discussion with short video recordings.
Connect with Flip: Teachers create accounts. Students join with a code or link generated by a teacher and should NOT create Flips themselves. Teachers can sign up for an account with this link. Create an account by using your CVSD Google account. (See screenshot to the right)
Getting Started
Resources from Flip:
Free Flip Professional Development
An Educator Toolkit with presentation decks and step-by-step getting started guides
Our “Think it...Flip it!” group filled with ideas and inspiration from our global Flip community
Help & Training
Please explore Flip's Help Center by using the button above. The Help Center offers a wide-range of well-organized how-to directions.
Attend any number of Flip webinars.