Read & Write

Read&Write's easy-to-use toolbar makes documents, files and web pages more accessible. From hearing emails or documents read out loud to text prediction, picture dictionaries and summary highlighters, Read&Write makes lots of everyday literacy tasks simpler, quicker and more accurate.

The Chrome extension, which looks like the image above, is installed on all CVSD student accounts grades 3-12.  

How to Connect

The Read&Write Chrome extension is pre-installed for students grades 3-12 and needs to be installed for adults. Once installed, you can begin using the tools of Read&Write when you click the "rw"  or puzzle piece icon.

Adults should download the extension  here.  

Getting started with Read and Write doc for CVSD. All adults should follow these directions so that you ensure your account is added permanently and not just for a 30-day trial period. 

Getting Started for Teachers

An Introduction to Read&Write

Removing Clutter from Websites

Help and Training

Additional resources for teachers to get started with Read&Write:

From Sarah Crum, Director of Learning & Innovation:    

Here are a few examples of different student learning profiles and how a resource like this can provide increased access and support growth towards independence: 

Students with focusing challenges:

Students with reading challenges:

Students with physical challenges:

This increased independence is so important for all of our learners!

I am sure I have skipped loads of other profiles that this technology supports, but I can't speak highly enough of this extension. In addition to its usefulness, the fact that it is a subtle add on to Chrome means most students don't feel an added stigma using it.