Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This is all subject to change given how quickly AI is evolving and as more people engage with AI in our district. Feedback is welcome. 

CVSD Principles and Beliefs About AI

Please review this document, which is also posted on the outward-facing Technology site.

District Commitments:

For Our Educators:

"As in all things tech, there are pros and cons. We are just realizing how social media companies are using their platforms to market to the users. We are unaware of any hidden nefarious agenda of the people who are creating AI platforms for teachers and students. Therefore, as we enter this space, move with caution and refrain from jumping at every AI offering. Watch, observe, take note, and move in tiny steps." 

From this article:  Using AI to Support Multilingual Students

Share Your Ideas and Experiences with others at CVSD!

How are you using AI professionally and/or with students? 

5 Things That AI Can Not Do for Students

Additional Resources

AI Literacy Lessons for Grades 6-12 (15-20 minutes, from Common Sense Education)

"Quick, grab-and-go lessons to help your students think critically about AI and its impact. "

Movies, Books, and Podcasts to Discuss AI in the Classroom

3 Ways Educators Can Use Artificial Intelligence

Teaching Students How to Use AI Responsibly

ISTE AI Course: Explorations for Educators