

The Ridgeline Regiment hopes to be one of the most exciting and visible extra-curricular activities in the Ridgeline HS Community. We will compete and perform exciting programs for a variety of excitable audiences. We hope you can come be part of the Regiment this year!


The Ridgeline Colorguard program is a wonderful team that performs as an integral part of the fall marching band season with the Ridgeline Regiment and has a spring season that includes a recital of dance, storytelling and colorguard team efforts.

All colorguard members are considered full time Ridgeline Band Members.


The Ridgeline Basketball Band, Gang Green is an extra-curricular ensemble for students of the music department. It performs at all varsity home basketball games starting in January. Gang Green will be an incredible ambassador to our Liberty Lake and surrounding community.


A unique activity for our orchestra students is the la Cetrería Symphony Orchestra, a full symphony orchestra with auditioned winds and percussion to accompany all interested string students. la Cetrería Symphony Orchestra will run two different six-week long seasons with two different concerts that falls on the same date as our class concerts.


The Ridgeline Colorguard winter team, called ENVY is both an extension of the fall season and a place for newly interested students to learn the skills of colorguard. Rehearsals are after school, students can earn a varsity letter for this activity. Currently, this is a no-cut activity.


The Ridgeline Indoor Percussion program, simply referred to as RIP is a winter activity after school that helps foster students who still want to perform in a marching activity. Open to percussion and non-traditional percussion students alike. RIP offers a space for students to pursue a new instrument or to master skills they developed in the fall marching band. Students can earn a varsity letter for their participation in RIP.