Class of 2024 Reflections

ReconX could not be a success without the dedication and hard work of our seniors. Below are some thoughts and reflections from our club president and committee chairs. 

Shravani Vedagiri
ReconX President

In freshman year, research was just a class for me, something I had to do to get a good grade. Seeing the complex projects that the upperclassmen did, sparked fear and doubt in my mind. Could I do it? Come senior year, research has allowed me to explore my interests deeper, apply a variety of skills, network with many new people, and travel to places I haven’t been to before. ReconX, combined with the HTHS research curriculum, has allowed me to interact with student and teacher mentors who have guided me throughout my entire research journey. With their help, research became something that instead of intimidating me, was something I found comfort in. Through my journey, I have found some of my closest friends, formed deeper connections with the faculty at HTHS, and built interest in something I will pursue for years to come. I hope to continue performing impactful research as I study electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. 

Katherine Fang
STEM Journal Editor-in-Chief

At High Tech and especially as a part of ReconX, I feel incredibly lucky to have been in an environment where creativity and boundless exploration in the world of research are promoted and cultivated so enthusiastically. Research has been pivotal in my growth, both intellectually and personally, throughout my high school years--conducting research projects has taught me to problem-solve and think outside the box; presenting my work in various mediums has made me a more compelling communicator; and attending various conferences and fairs has helped me form global connections. The support and guidance from Dr. Ellsworth, Mr. Queenan, my peers, and the rest of the HTHS faculty have been invaluable, and I can't wait to continue my research journey in college and beyond. I'll miss the ReconX family so much! Wishing you all the best <3

Ariela Otero
STEM Journal Senior Editor

As someone who was always creative as a child but was unsure of what careers would allow me to explore my passion for design, I’m beyond grateful for the research opportunities provided at High Tech. Beginning to engage in research as a sophomore led me to find the intersection between engineering and medicine, and for the first time, I understood the value of creativity and thinking outside of the box in these fields. I’ve been able to dive deep into how I can use my love for science and engineering to tangibly transform lives through inquiry and innovation. I’m excited to explore the field of biomedical engineering in the near future. 

Sreeja Paruchuri
Program Committee Senior Chair

As a freshman, the idea of conducting independent research was definitely daunting. However, I am incredibly thankful to Dr. Ellsworth and Mr. Queenan who have been invaluable mentors in helping me navigate this journey. From the countless hours I spent in the lab to the unforgettable experiences at science fairs and conferences, research has been a fundamental part of my high school experience and growth. I learned to persevere, communicate and network with the scientific community beyond High Tech, and most importantly, I discovered my love for scientific inquiry. As I look back, it is amazing to see how far I have come from an intimidated freshman to a confident problem-solver. I am thrilled to continue pursuing my passion for research at Stony Brook University's 8-year BS/MD program with the Renaissance School of Medicine. 

Caitlyn Zito
Research/Mentorship Chair

When I was introduced to research in freshman year, I was initially overwhelmed by the process, convinced that I had to accomplish something groundbreaking for my research to be considered worthwhile. However, the integrated research curriculum at High Tech as well as ReconX helped me establish a strong foundation in research and taught me that research is always significant when you pursue something that you are passionate about. Conducting research isn’t a daunting task like I once believed, but a chance to grow as an intellectual and expand your horizons. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the knowledge and experiences I gained through creating a novel research project and competing with my project in various science competitions. I am also incredibly grateful to my teachers and peers who helped me accomplish what I have today. I will be attending the University of Notre Dame in the fall studying Mechanical Engineering. 

Varun Gabbita
Research/Mentorship Senior Rep

I came to High Tech with a narrow perspective of the things that high schoolers were capable of. ReconX not only proved me wrong but also transformed the way I viewed science. It is not just isolated endeavors working towards singular goals, but rather an interdisciplinary connection between various fields to improve the world. Through conducting research at High Tech and learning about the scientific processes, I have gone through many thought-provoking and gratifying experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I am incredibly grateful to ReconX and High Tech for providing me with the resources and support I needed to pursue my dreams. The fond memories I have of being a part of High Tech’s research community will stay with me forever. I will be attending the California Institute of Technology and will draw from my High Tech experience to help me every step of the way. 

Hanyi Deng
Marketing/Fundraising Co-Chair

Four years ago, if you asked me what my high school life would be like, I would’ve never even considered research. I was always more of a “humanities” person in middle school, but I’m beyond blessed that I was given the opportunity to pursue research in high school– even though it wasn’t a path I would’ve chosen on my own. Through my research, I have learned to always question what I know to be conveniently true. At both High Tech and the research conferences I’ve attended, I’ve gotten to talk with people who view the problems in our world in different ways. This is the diversity of thought we need if we are to tackle the looming issues our generation faces. For example, at the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, I was able to discuss my research with others who worked with Alzheimer’s in fruit flies. I was even able to plan collaborations with others on science education initiatives in underserved communities! I’ve never regretted joining a community that unites to reach these goals together. I hope to continue my research on alternative pathways to target Alzheimer’s Disease at Cornell University, where I will be majoring in Biology.

Advika Vuppala
Marketing/Fundraising Co-Chair

I'm very grateful for the opportunities that ReconX has provided me through high school. The club has built me up from a student to a researcher who inquires further about questions they experience in the world. Research has allowed me to pursue my passions and turn them into real-world solutions. From creating connections with other researchers to learning about niche topics students are innovating, it has helped me with many aspects of my life. I will be attending Carnegie Mellon University this fall and plan to double major in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.

Nidhi Nair
Outreach Committee Senior Chair

As a middle schooler, I always found myself intimidated by the idea of research. It wasn’t until I started my own research at High Tech that I could see the people and passions that went into the pages-long papers filled with technical jargon that I had once been so convinced I couldn’t write. This wasn’t to say, of course, that my path with research was filled with successes. My sophomore year, the only data I had was a table full of zeros because of failed genetic transformations. My junior and senior year, though, with the support that Dr. Ellsworth and Mr. Queenan gave me, I was able to not only pursue the same project to finally receive the results I was hoping for, but also propose a new research direction tying it to my interest in aerospace. I’m so excited to continue pursuing research as an aerospace major at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.