Virtual Research Showcase  

Welcome to the HTHS Virtual Research Showcase!

Welcome to our Virtual Research Showcase, where you can explore the award-winning research our students have been doing. This Showcase is updated annually to coincide with the HTHS STEM Showcase each spring. 

The HTHS Research Showcase reveals how our students' research brings value to the scientific community, our community-at-large, and the world. As you will discover as you look through the pages of this site, by addressing novel research questions and finding innovative solutions to engineering problems, our students engage in an authentic research experience. Presenting their work to each other, in competitions, and to you provides them opportunities to develop effective science communication skills, which are essential for realizing success in all STEM fields. 

Please browse through the pages of this site to see our students' projects and accomplishments from this year, and past years!

-Dr. Ellsworth and Mr. Queenan