Class of 2023 Reflections

ReconX could not be a success without the dedication and hard work of our seniors. Below are some thoughts and reflections from our club president and committee chairs. 

Jue Gong
ReconX President

Creativity. If 8th grade me heard this word, she would think Picasso, van Gogh, Monet… but not Einstein, Newton, or Darwin. RECONX revealed a whole new world to me and showed me that science is much, much more than just the knowledge itself—that it is more about creativity, innovation, and hands-on experimentation. Through conducting research projects, I learned many skills, from writing scientific papers, talking to experts and mentors, to finally presenting the project. Serving as the President of RECONX taught me to be flexible in face of obstacles, to seek beauty in interdisciplinary, and to be open to seemingly bizarre ideas. RECONX has been an integral and vibrant part of my high school career, and I am incredibly grateful to my teachers, mentors, fellow officers, and peers for supporting me at every possible moment. I will be attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the fall and will miss RECONX so much. <3

Amanda Guan
STEM Journal Committee Co-Chair

I'm incredibly grateful for the research program at High Tech for helping me develop a passion for research. I've gained many fond memories while conducting my projects and attending science fairs, and ReconX has been an amazing community that has supported me along my journey. I'm definitely interested in pursuing research in university and as part of my career. I will be attending Johns Hopkins University in the fall studying Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

Aravind Gunasekaran
Fundraising  Committee Co-Chair

Research has undoubtedly been one of my focal points at High Tech and has significantly influenced my future in the field. Whether it was finishing research papers in the middle of the night, competing at fairs and conferences with my friends, or mock judging the underclassmen and giving tips on their presentations, I've come to love the research community for what it is. Research has shaped the person I am today and I wouldn't have it any other way. I will be attending Carnegie Mellon University this fall and plan to study Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Kevin Liu
Mentorship Committee Co-Chair

Personally, math is the most fascinating subject out there, and conducting math research was one of the best opportunities I had. Throughout my journey to reach the esoteric depths of true discovery, I spent countless hours learning advanced math, perusing past literature, and aimlessly staring at my equations on the whiteboard. While my research was speckled with many stagnant periods, it taught me so many invaluable lessons. I learned how to explain abstruse topics simply, network and bond with at first intimidating minds across the country, and most importantly, persevere. Research has fueled my intellectual curiosity to learn more about the world, and I’m thrilled to continue my pursuit of the unknown at Harvard University, majoring in math and computer science.

Yuvna Musuku
Program Committee Co-Chair

Research has undoubtedly been one of my focal points at High Tech and has significantly influenced my future in the field. Whether it was finishing research papers in the middle of the night, competing at fairs and conferences with my friends, or mock judging the underclassmen and giving tips on their presentations, I've come to love the research community for what it is. Research has shaped the person I am today and I wouldn't have it any other way. I will be attending Carnegie Mellon University this fall and plan to study Electrical and Computer Engineering.