Creative Living Ideas Team

I am so blessed to have this team of ladies to help me on my journey. When I told the team about my ideas, they willingly jumped on board. I am so grateful for their knowledge, experience, talent, and love. I appreciate their help in bringing this concept to life!

Meet the team:

  • Tania Farran - Owner/Author

  • Lexi Farran - Promotions Manager

  • Annika Farran - Administrative Assistant

  • Maddie Villeneuve - Chief Editor

  • Kristen Landon - Visual Designer

  • Michele Dunaway - Consultant

Tips on effective team meetings

  • Create an environment that is pleasing and comfortable for your team. If you know them you will know what they like.

  • Provide a meal or a snack. No one can think on an empty stomach. My team likes brunch and mimosas!

  • Be prepared for the meeting. Have all supplies ready for your team if they need to use them paper, pens, laptops, etc.

  • Set a goal, short term and long term, for what you would like to accomplish at the meeting.

  • Create an agenda for topics to discuss. I like to send this out in advance so the team has time to start thinking.

  • Green light thinking is expected. That means all ideas are welcome to the meeting.

  • Assign tasks specifically to each person.

  • Agree upon the deadline for tasks that have been created.

  • Set a follow up meeting date and make a plan for it. This gives everyone a time frame for finishing their tasks.

Stay on top of the meeting

Follow up- It is important to follow up with each teammate individually to discuss their task on the project. This is beneficial for a couple of reasons. One you keep the momentum going and two you are aware of the progress that has been made prior to the next meeting. That way at the meeting your team member is supported by you. They know that you are listening to them and are there to help them if they get stuck along the way.

Ask- If they need any clarification or help privately. There is nothing worse than misunderstanding what the task at hand was and then coming to a meeting with the wrong information. As the leader check in with your team.

Send reminder emails or texts- Send out a reminder of the next meeting so no one forgets. Everyone's lives are busy it's okay to help out.

Complete your task- There is nothing worse than a team member not completing the task.

Obstacles- Tackle any obstacles that come up, because they will come up. It's just what will happen.

Revisions- Remember that many great projects require many revisions. Be patient it will come to fruition.