Free Recipes

Wrecked Chicken

Italian Salad

Wrecked Chicken

Ingredients: Chicken breast, mushrooms, provolone cheese, spinach, ham, salt and pepper, Italian seasonings, bacon

Flatten the chicken breast. Season the chicken with S& P and Italian seasoning. Layer the ingredients ham, cheese, mushrooms, and spinach.

Roll up the chicken and wrap bacon around it. Use a kabob skewer to hold it together. Sprinkle Italian seasoning on the outside.

Bake at 375 for 1 hour or until chicken is done. Less time for thinner chicken breasts. Internal temperature should be 165 for chicken to be done. Serves 4

Italian Salad

4-6 leaves of Romaine lettuce

3-4 slices of Provolone Cheese

3-4 slices Salami

Italian Toasted Croutons

Wash, dry and cut lettuce into bite size pieces. Slice the salami and cheese into bite size pieces. Layer the salad, lettuce, cheese, salami, and croutons. Add the salad dressing you prefer. I love the Olive Garden Dressing with this one. Serves 4.

Italian Toasted Croutons

4 slices Day old white bread

1teaspoon Italian Seasoning

Salt and Pepper

1 teaspoon Garlic salt

1/4 cup Parmesean Cheese

spread butter on one side of the bread then sprinkle with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper, garlic, and parmesan cheese. Bake at 400 until crispy but not burned. Let cool and slice them in to pieces.

Learning something new! We are having such fun experimenting with cake and cupcake decorating.

Buttercream Frosting

Chocolate Ganache in the center

Chocolate Ganish Cupcakes

Chocolate Ganache in the center

Blue Birthday Cake

Double layer chocolate cake

Butter Cream Icing

There are lots of recipes on line for butter cream icing. Here is one that I liked.

2 sticks of butter

4 cups of powdered sugar

1-3 tablespoons of milk (depending on the consistency you want)

1 teaspoon of vanilla

Mix until smooth and combined. Put into a piping bag with a tip that you like and decorate.

Tips for icing

  • The thinner the icing is, the easier to spread on a cake.

  • The thicker the better for the piping bag and tips.

  • The icing begins to melt with the heat of your hand so if that happens put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

  • Have multiple couplings to have more piping bags with colors in them.

  • Disposable bags are easier cleanup.

  • Use a prepared cake mix for convenience.

  • We made cupcakes to practice on. It gave us more surfaces to try more tips out.