Professional Learning
Regina Purvis, Professional Learning Specialist
Erin Stephens, Administrative Assistant
(229) 546-4094 phone
(229) 546-4167 fax
All offered endorsements have been approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Endorsements are job-embedded professional learning offerings which provide an opportunity for teachers to develop their expertise in the endorsement area. Coastal Plains RESA currently offers four endorsements. According to GaPSC Rule 505-3-.01, Endorsements are, “A planned sequence of courses and experiences, typically of three (3) to four (4) courses in length, designed to provide certified educators with an additional, specific set of knowledge and skills, or to expand and enhance existing knowledge and skills. Successful completion of an endorsement program results in the addition of the endorsement field to the Georgia educator certificate.” Candidates must ensure that they can accomplish the clinical practice required for each endorsement or program, which will require working with students and staff, as applicable.
Program Rigor: Potential candidates for the Gifted Endorsement should understand that the rigor of the program is expected to be equivalent to a graduate degree program. The candidate’s research and writing demonstrate an analytical ability such that ideas are not presented merely in a simplistic summary but provide an original investigation and analysis. All assignments are developed to align with GaPSC Endorsement rules and InTASC standards and candidates are expected to complete work on time. The syllabus for each of the courses should be reviewed by each potential candidate prior to application and registration. For information on each endorsement, follow the links below.
Gifted Endorsement
The Gifted In-Field Endorsement is designed to train local candidates to identify and teach gifted students from a variety of cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. This three course endorsement program ensures that graduates have in-depth knowledge of teaching gifted and talented students. Program candidates will complete 170 hours of coursework and applied field experiences; content knowledge will be integrated across courses to help ensure mastery and coverage. This program abides by and provides expertise in accordance with PSC rule 505-3-.90 GIFTED IN-FIELD EDUCATION ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM.
Program Overview
The Endorsement is divided into three courses consisting of two 5 PLU classes and one 7 plu class and must be taken in sequence:
1) Characteristics of the Gifted;
2) Differentiation of Curriculum and Instruction for the Gifted Learner;
3) Assessment and Programming Implementation.
Gifted Endorsement online cohorts allow candidates flexibility in completing weekly online asynchronous modules. Districts wishing to offer a cohort should contact the CPRESA Professional Learning Office. In order to successfully complete the course, all assignments must be submitted by the course deadline date. Failure to complete a course will delay candidates completion of the endorsement by one year.
This is a job-embedded program. Candidates must practice skills with gifted students. Completion of all three courses is required in order to add the Gifted endorsement to an existing level 4 professional teaching certificate or higher.
Sample of course requirements for Characteristics of the Gifted.
Sample of course requirements for Differentiation of Curriculum and Instruction for the Gifted Learner.
Sample of course requirements for Assessment and Programming Implementation for Gifted Students.
Course Substitution:
In order to substitute a course into an endorsement sequence, the following guidelines must be met:
The course must have been completed from a Georgia Professional Standards approved program within the past 5 years.
The candidate must have received a satisfactory grade/evaluation in the course. A satisfactory grade from a college course is at least a B.
The candidate must submit a complete course syllabus and transcript (or other proof of completion) to the Professional Learning Coordinator upon acceptance into the endorsement program.
The course syllabus must demonstrate that the same standards were covered in the course as are covered in the Coastal Plains RESA endorsement course.
No more than 1 course may be substituted in the endorsement program.
The Course Substitution Form must be submitted with the endorsement application. Course substitutions will not be accepted once the endorsement has begun.
Required Texts
The selected texts are teacher handbooks. They will support not only the learning of the course, but build capacity to create high quality assessments and programs for students.
Required Texts
Educational Assessment of Students, Brookhart & Nitko (7th or 8th Edition) - ISBN-13: 978-0134531946 ISBN-10: 0134531949 ISBN-13: 978-0134807072 ISBN-10: 0134807073
Education of the Gifted and Talented, Davis, Rimm, & Siegle (7th Edition) ISBN-13: 9780133827101 (ebook or rental)
Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classroom, Winebrenner & Brulles, Fourth Edition ISBN-13: 978-1631983726 ISBN-10: 1631983725
Download Free Resource Used in All Classes:
Georgia Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services
Admission Requirements
Admission to the program requires the recommendation of candidates by school and system administrators. Candidates must be approved for admission prior to being eligible to register for the first course. Gifted Endorsement courses are conducted in a cohort format, and courses must be completed in the sequence described above.
Eligibility requirements include documentation of the following:
A valid Georgia Standard Professional or Performance-Based Certificate;
A current contract with a Georgia school system;
Recommendations from the school principal and one additional system administrator;
Proficiency with technology and a commitment to post-graduate level work;
Mastery of Georgia Standards of Excellence for the grade/content taught; and
Professional dispositions or habits of professional action and moral commitments to all students.
Characteristics of the Gifted:
$350 plus cost of books - CP RESA systems
$400 plus cost of books - non-CP RESA systems
Differentiation of Curriculum and Instruction for the Gifted Learner
$700 plus cost of books - CP RESA systems
$750 plus cost of books - non-CP RESA systems
Assessment for Gifted Students.:
$350 plus cost of books - CP RESA systems
$400 plus cost of books - non-CP RESA systems
Total Cost
$1400 plus a one-time application fee of $50 - CP RESA systems
$1550 plus a one-time application fee of $50 - non-CP RESA systems
*Note for those who are self-paying for the courses: At this time, CP RESA only accepts checks or money orders for tuition.
Teacher Support and Coaching Endorsement
The Teacher Support and Coaching (TSC) Endorsement program is designed to train exemplary teachers to mentor and support beginning teachers, to supervise student teachers, and to support colleagues seeking to improve performance through reflection and modification of practice. Completers of this two course endorsement program earn two endorsements: Teacher Support & Coaching Endorsement and the Coaching Endorsement. This program abides by and provides expertise in accordance with PSC rule 505-3-.105 TEACHER SUPPORT AND COACHING (TSC) ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM
Program Overview
The courses in the Teacher Support & Coaching Endorsement are below and must be completed in sequence.
Defining Coaching and Mentoring Skills
Implementing the Mentor and Coaching Process
Endorsement courses are not self-paced courses. There are scheduled online sessions and regular due dates for assignments throughout the courses. In order to successfully complete the course, all assignments must be submitted by the course deadline date. Failure to complete a course will delay candidates completion of the endorsement by one year.
Course Substitution:
In order to substitute a course into an endorsement sequence, the following guidelines must be met:
The course must have been completed from a Georgia Professional Standards approved program within the past 5 years.
The candidate must have received a satisfactory grade/evaluation in the course. A satisfactory grade from a college course is at least a B.
The candidate must submit a complete course syllabus and transcript (or other proof of completion) to the Professional Learning Coordinator upon acceptance into the endorsement program.
The course syllabus must demonstrate that the same standards were covered in the course as are covered in the Coastal Plains RESA endorsement course.
No more than 1 course may be substituted in the endorsement program.
The Course Substitution Form (located in the Resources section below) must be submitted with the endorsement application. Course substitutions will not be accepted once the endorsement has begun.
Required Texts
Defining Coaching and Mentoring Skills & Implementing the Mentor and Coaching Process:
Gross Cheliotes, L. M., Reilly, M. F. (2018). Coaching Conversations: Transforming Your School One Conversation at a Time (2nd Edition) ISBN: 978-1544319711
Killion, J., Harrison, C. (2017). Taking the Lead: New Roles for Teachers and School-based Coaches (2nd Edition) ISBN: 978-0990315865
Admission Requirements
Admission to the program requires the recommendation of candidates by school and system administrators. Candidates must be approved for admission prior to being eligible to register for the first course. Endorsement courses are conducted in a cohort format, and courses must be completed in the sequence described above.
Eligibility requirements include documentation of the following:
A valid Georgia Standard Professional or Performance-Based Certificate;
A current contract with a Georgia school system;
Recommendations from the school principal and one additional system administrator;
Proficiency with technology and a commitment to post-graduate level work;
Mastery of Georgia Standards of Excellence for the grade/content taught; and
Professional dispositions or habits of professional action and moral commitments to all students.
Possess a valid, level 4 or higher Professional certificate in any teaching field
Defining Coaching and Mentoring Skills:
$350 plus cost of books - CP RESA systems
$400 plus cost of books - non-CP RESA systems
Implementing the Coaching and Mentoring Process:
$350 plus cost of books - CP RESA systems
$400 plus cost of books - non-CP RESA systems
*Note for those who are self-paying for the courses: At this time, CP RESA only accepts checks or money orders for tuition.
Online Teaching Endorsement
Coastal Plains RESA's GaPSC approved Online Teaching Endorsement for a total of 15 PLUs. The target audience for this course is professional educators who desire to enter the world of online teaching and learning. This program endeavors to abide by and provide expertise in accordance with PSC rule 505-3-.95 ONLINE TEACHING ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM .
Program Overview
The Endorsement is divided into three courses consisting of 5 PLUs each and must be taken in sequence. Completion of the three courses is required in order to add the Online Teaching endorsement to an existing level 4 professional teaching certificate or higher. ***Note: Students are not required for this OTE1 and OTE2, but are required for OTE 3.
Course 1: Foundations of Online Instruction
The purpose of this course is an orientation to the highly interactive online classroom. This course is the first of three courses in the CPRESA Online Teaching Endorsement.
As a result of course mastery, candidates will know and be able to do the following:
To experience the wealth of possibilities available through online courses
To acquire authentic knowledge about the characteristics of online learners
To observe the techniques used to build the capacity of online learners to independent growth and group collaboration
To participate in the various online activities available to online participants
To develop practical working knowledge in using a Learning Management System (LMS)
Course 2: Designing Online Instruction
The purpose of this course is to provide online instructors with practical and useful experiences in virtual instruction. Participants will further delve into methods of online teaching. This course is the second of three courses in the CPRESA Online Teaching Endorsement.
As a result of course mastery, candidates will know and be able to do the following:
Develop and refine working knowledge of using a learning management system (LMS)
Identify and analyze learning styles of students
Develop an online evaluation plan
Demonstrate effective online instructional interface
Demonstrate successful online communication and motivational strategies
Create appropriate writing for the Web
Understand copyright and fair use policies and law
Course 3: Teaching Online Courses
The purpose of this course is to provide online instructors with practical and useful experiences web-based in developing supportive instructional materials for online curriculum. Increasing online participant’s success requires instructors to know how to teach asynchronously, but how to write and develop support materials unique to the online genre of learning. This course is the third of three courses in the CPRESA Online Teaching Endorsement.
As a result of course mastery, candidates will know and be able to do the following:
Develop a deep understanding of the instructional design components making up a high quality course
Utilize the systematic steps of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluation to create, teach, and evaluate a web-based unit of instruction
Become fully functional and comfortable within the online interface
Prepare a syllabus for an online course
Write specific goals, objectives, and performance objectives for lessons
Develop an interactive learning environment
Understand and apply fair use and copyright guidelines
Work within the LMS as an instructor
Note: Candidates are required to show proficiency through evidence with an LMS.
Required Texts
Texts and other resources utilized in the endorsement are available free of charge online.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the program requires the recommendation of candidates by school and system administrators. Candidates must be approved for admission prior to being eligible to register for the first course. Endorsement courses are conducted in a cohort format, and courses must be completed in the sequence described above.
Eligibility requirements include documentation of the following:
A valid Georgia Standard Professional or Performance-Based Certificate;
A current contract with a Georgia school system;
Recommendations from the school principal and one additional system administrator;
Proficiency with technology and a commitment to post-graduate level work;
Mastery of Georgia Standards of Excellence for the grade/content taught; and
Professional dispositions or habits of professional action and moral commitments to all students.
Possess a valid, level 4 or higher Professional certificate in any teaching field
Online Teaching Endorsement
$350 plus cost of books per course (3 courses) - CP RESA systems
$400 plus cost of books per course (3 courses) - non-CP RESA systems
*Note for those who are self-paying for the courses: At this time, CPRESA only accepts checks or money orders for tuition.
Reading Endorsement
Coastal Plains RESA's GaPSC approved Reading Endorsement consists of a total of 15 PLUs. This endorsement prepares individuals to teach reading to students in grades P-12 This program endeavors to abide by and provide expertise in accordance with PSC rule 505-3-.95 ONLINE TEACHING ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM .
Program Overview
The Reading Endorsement program consists of 3 courses:
Literacy Foundations: This introductory course explores the critical components of literacy development and introduces candidates to the components of Reading, as identified by the National Reading Panel Report. An integral part of teaching students is a comprehensive understanding of the foundations of reading. The course will also address literacy frameworks and instructional approaches
Literacy Connections: This second course explores the basics of dyslexia, written expression development and processes, and content literacy. An integral part of literacy instruction is the literacy environment and this too is explored. The course will also address instructional approaches, including literacy stations.
Literacy Inquiries: This final course explores the selection, administration, and analysis of literacy assessments. An integral part of literacy instruction is the ability to assess students’ content knowledge and literacy processes The course will address the use of assessments to plan instruction and will involve the completion of a case study project
Required Texts
Candidates are expected to have in their possession all required texts.
Admissions Requirements
Admission to the program requires the recommendation of candidates by school and system administrators. Candidates must be approved for admission prior to being eligible to register for the first course. Endorsement courses are conducted in a cohort format, and courses must be completed in the sequence described above.
Eligibility requirements include documentation of the following:
A valid Georgia Standard Professional or Performance-Based Certificate;
A current contract with a Georgia school system;
Recommendations from the school principal and one additional system administrator;
Proficiency with technology and a commitment to post-graduate level work;
Mastery of Georgia Standards of Excellence for the grade/content taught; and
Professional dispositions or habits of professional action and moral commitments to all students.
Possess a valid, level 4 or higher Professional certificate in any teaching field
Online Teaching Endorsement
$350 plus cost of books per course (3 courses) - CP RESA systems
$400 plus cost of books per course (3 courses) - non-CP RESA systems
*Note for those who are self-paying for the courses: At this time, CPRESA only accepts checks or money orders for tuition.