Nutrition Planning

Unit Title: Nutrition: Fueling our Bodies for Success


Objective: Students will understand the importance of nutrition and its impact on overall health.

Assessment: Have students create a poster or infographic that displays key nutrients and their benefits.

                               (Needed material to do this activity)

Food classification   (Needed information to do the activity)

Key Points:

- Define nutrition and its significance

- Identify different food groups and their importance

- Discuss the role of nutrients in maintaining a healthy body

- Explain the concept of a balanced diet


Objective: Students will be able to identify and classify different types of nutrients.

Assessment: Students will create a concept map that shows the different nutrients and their classifications.  (Basic)

Key Points:

- Identify the major nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals) and their functions

- Classify nutrients into macronutrients and micronutrients

- Discuss the food sources of each nutrient


Objective: Students will analyze food labels to make informed choices about their nutrition.

Assessment: Have students bring in food labels from home and analyze them to determine the nutritional value of the products.

Key Points:

- Understand the components of a food label

- Interpret information on serving size, calories, and nutrient content

- Identify key nutrients to limit or consume in moderation

(just in case.-


Objective: Students will explore the benefits of healthy eating through hands-on activities.

Assessment: Have students create a healthy meal plan for one day, incorporating all food groups.

Key Points:

- Discuss the importance of portion control and moderation

- Explore the concept of "eating the rainbow" and the benefits of consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables

- Engage in a food tasting activity to encourage trying new and healthy foods


Objective: Students will understand the concept of energy balance and its relationship to weight management.

Assessment: Students will create a poster that illustrates the concept of energy balance and its impact on maintaining a healthy weight.

Key Points:

- Define energy balance and its components (calories consumed vs. calories expended)

- Discuss the importance of physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight

- Explore the concept of empty calories and the impact of sugary drinks and snacks on energy balance

The Healthy Eating Pyramid


Objective: Students will learn about the benefits of hydration and the importance of water in their diet.

Assessment: Have students create a brochure or infographic highlighting the benefits of staying hydrated and the importance of drinking enough water.

Key Points:

- Discuss the role of water in the body and its functions

- Identify signs of dehydration and the importance of preventing it

- Explore different ways to stay hydrated, including drinking water and consuming water-rich foods


Objective: Students will learn about the impact of advertising on food choices and develop critical thinking skills to make healthier decisions.

Assessment: Students will create a persuasive advertisement for a healthy food or beverage choice.

Key Points:

- Analyze advertisements for food and beverages and identify persuasive techniques used

- Discuss the influence of advertising on food choices

- Develop strategies to make healthier choices despite advertising influences


Objective: Students will reflect on their learning and create an action plan for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Assessment: Have students write a personal reflection on what they have learned and create an action plan outlining specific steps they will take to improve their nutrition habits.

Key Points:

- Reflect on the knowledge gained throughout the unit

- Identify personal strengths and areas for improvement in nutrition habits

- Create an action plan with specific goals and strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle

PROJECTS.-  Activities Suggestions:

1. Healthy Cooking Challenge: Have students work in groups (MAX. 2)   to create and prepare a healthy recipe using ingredients from different food groups.

2. Healthy Menu Project: Have students create a healthy menu for a day, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, showcasing their understanding of balanced nutrition.

n.b.- AT THE END OF THE TERM... We can organize a nutrition fair where students present their learning from the unit through interactive displays and activities.