Stages of prenatal development

1. Stage 1: The Beginning - Conception: Prenatal development starts with something called "conception." This is when a tiny, invisible thing called a sperm from a man meets a tiny, invisible thing called an egg from a woman. It's like when two puzzle pieces fit perfectly together.

2. Stage 2: The Early Days - Embryo: After the sperm and egg meet, they become one special cell called a "zygote." This zygote starts dividing and growing into something called an "embryo." It's like planting a seed that starts to sprout into a little plant.

3. Stage 3: The Middle - Fetus: As the embryo keeps growing, it turns into a "fetus." This is when the baby starts to look like a tiny human. It's like a baby in a cocoon, growing and changing. At this stage, you can see tiny fingers and toes on an ultrasound!

4. Stage 4: The Home Stretch - Late Fetus: Towards the end of pregnancy, the fetus gets even bigger and stronger. The baby is almost ready to be born. It's like the final countdown before a big event, like a birthday party.

5. Stage 5: The Big Moment - Birth: Finally, after about nine months, it's time for the baby to be born. The baby comes out of Mom's belly, and this is called "birth." It's like the grand finale of a long journey, and the baby gets to meet its family for the first time!

So, prenatal development is the process of how a baby grows from a tiny, invisible cell into a fully-formed baby ready to be born. It's like a beautiful transformation, step by step, until the baby is ready to come into the world.