Living in sustainable cities (Matter and Energies)

Didactic Unit: Living in Sustainable Cities (Matter & Energies)

Grade Level: 12 years old

Duration: 5-7 class periods

Objective: By the end of this unit, students will be able to:


1. Introduction to Sustainability (1 class period)

Sustainability is critically important in cities for several reasons, as urban areas face unique challenges and opportunities in the context of environmental, social, and economic sustainability: 

A sustainable city, often referred to as a "smart city" or "eco-city," is designed and managed with the goal of meeting the needs of its present and future residents while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and promoting social and economic well-being. The key elements of a sustainable city encompass various aspects of urban planning, development, and management. Here is an overview of these key elements:

Sustainable cities recognize the interconnectedness of these elements and work towards a harmonious balance that enhances the quality of life for residents while minimizing environmental impact. Successful sustainable cities aim to create livable, resilient, and environmentally responsible urban environments for current and future generations.

2. Matter in Sustainable Cities (2 class periods)

Waste management and recycling are critically important practices for a variety of reasons, as they have wide-reaching benefits for the environment, public health, resource conservation, and the economy. Here's an overview of the importance of waste management and recycling:

Environmental Benefits:

Public Health Benefits:

Resource Conservation:

Energy Savings:

Economic Benefits:

Reduced Carbon Footprint:

Sustainable Resource Management:

3. Energy in Sustainable Cities (2 class periods)

Renewable Energy Sources - The Forever Friends:

Non-Renewable Energy Sources - The One-Time Helpers:

4. Transportation and Sustainable Cities (1 class period)

5. Being a Sustainable Citizen (1 class period)




Conclusion: By the end of this didactic unit, students should have a good understanding of sustainability in urban environments, particularly in terms of matter and energy. They will have engaged in hands-on activities, discussions, and group projects to explore waste management, renewable energy sources, sustainable transportation, and their role in promoting sustainability in their community. This knowledge will empower them to make informed choices for a more sustainable future.