The Nervous System

Didactic Unit: Exploring the Nervous System

Grade Level: 12 years old

Duration: 5-7 class periods

Objective: By the end of this unit, students will be able to:


1. Introduction to the Nervous System (1 class period)

The nervous system is a complex and intricate network of specialized cells and structures within the human body that coordinates and regulates various physiological functions. It serves as the body's control center, allowing for communication between different parts of the body and enabling responses to external and internal stimuli.

The nervous system is primarily responsible for the following functions:

The nervous system is divided into two main components:

The nervous system relies on specialized cells called neurons, which transmit electrical and chemical signals throughout the body. Neurons communicate with each other through synapses, which are tiny gaps where neurotransmitters are released to transmit signals from one neuron to another.

In summary, the nervous system is a fundamental and intricate part of the human body that controls and coordinates various bodily functions, including perception, thought, emotion, and movement, through the transmission of electrical and chemical signals.

The nervous system plays a vital role in daily life, impacting various aspects of our functioning and well-being. Its importance can be understood through the following key points:

In summary, the nervous system is an integral part of our daily lives, enabling us to perceive, think, move, communicate, experience emotions, and respond to the ever-changing world around us. Its proper functioning is essential for our overall health, well-being, and the ability to engage in various activities and tasks.

2. The Structure of the Nervous System (2 class periods)

The Nervous System is Like a Superhero Communication Network:

Putting It All Together:

Now, you can explain how it all works together:

Key Takeaways:

3. The Brain and Its Functions (2 class periods)


Imagine the brain as the "Boss" of the body. It's the control center, just like the captain of a ship or the leader of a superhero team.

Functions of the Brain:

Protecting the Brain:

Mention that the brain is very important, so we have a skull (a protective helmet) around it to keep it safe.

Taking Care of the Brain:

Just like superheroes need good food and rest to stay strong, our brains also need healthy food, exercise, and a good night's sleep to work their best.


Wrap up by saying that our brains are incredible, and we should take good care of them because they help us think, feel, and do all the amazing things we love! Encourage questions and curiosity about this marvelous organ.

4. Sensory and Motor Pathways (1 class period)

5. Taking Care of Your Nervous System (1 class period)

a.- Sensory Pathways  is like  The "Message to the Brain" Road:

b.- Motor Pathways - The "Brain's Orders" Road:

Connecting Sensory and Motor Pathways - The Brain's Game Plan:

Let them know that the brain is like a smart planner. It uses the information from the detectives (sensory organs) to make a game plan and give orders to the helpers (muscles) so we can do things safely and have fun.


In simple terms, sensory pathways are like sending messages to the brain, and motor pathways are like the brain giving orders to our muscles. Our body's teamwork makes everything we do possible, just like a big adventure or a fun game!




Conclusion: By the end of this didactic unit, students should have a comprehensive understanding of the nervous system, its structure, functions, and the importance of taking care of it for their overall health and well-being. Additionally, they will have engaged in hands-on activities and discussions to reinforce their learning.