Living in the future (New technologies)

Didactic Unit: Living in the Future: New Technologies

Grade Level: 12 years old

Duration: 5-7 class periods

Objective: By the end of this unit, students will be able to:


1. Introduction to Emerging Technologies (1 class period)

Emerging technologies refer to innovations and advancements in various fields that are currently in the early stages of development, adoption, or integration into society and have the potential to significantly impact the way we live, work, and interact. These technologies often represent cutting-edge research and development efforts 

The role of technology in society is multifaceted and constantly evolving. Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the way we live, work, communicate, and interact with the world. 

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (2 class periods)

AI (Artificial Intelligence): Imagine if computers could think and make decisions, a bit like how people do. That's what AI is all about! AI is like giving a computer a brain so it can understand things, learn from them, and even solve problems on its own.

Machine Learning: Now, think of machine learning as a special part of AI. It's like teaching a computer to learn from examples. Imagine you have a robot dog, and you want it to recognize different types of real dogs. You'd show it pictures of different dogs, and the robot dog would learn to tell them apart.

In real life, machine learning works a lot like that. We feed the computer lots of information or data, like pictures of dogs, and the computer learns from that data to do different tasks, like recognizing dogs, understanding languages, or even playing games.

Here are some examples:

So, AI is like the big idea of making computers smart, and machine learning is one way we teach them to get smarter by learning from examples. It's like giving them super cool brains to help us in lots of ways!

3. Robotics and Automation (2 class periods)

What is Robotics?

Imagine having your very own robot friend—how cool would that be? Well, that's what robotics is all about! It's the exciting world of creating and playing with robots.

What Are Robots?

Robots are like machines with a bit of brainpower. They can do things on their own, just like how you do stuff with your arms and legs. But robots have special arms and wheels to help them. Some even have eyes and ears (sensors) to see and hear things!

What Can Robots Do?

Robots can do all sorts of stuff, like:

How Do Robots Work?

Robots have brains, but not like ours. Their brains are made of computer chips and software that tell them what to do. Some robots use remote controls, while others can think and make decisions on their own, thanks to programs we create for them.

Building Your Own Robot

Would you like to build your own robot someday? You can start with robot kits and learn how to connect the parts, program them, and make your robot do cool things!

Robotics is a Fun Adventure!

Robotics is like a fun adventure where you get to explore, create, and make your own robot pals. Who knows, you might even invent something amazing with robots in the future!

5. Future Technologies and Speculation (1 class period)




Conclusion: By the end of this didactic unit, students should have gained an understanding of emerging technologies and their potential impact on the future. They will have explored artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, and futuristic concepts, fostering their curiosity and critical thinking skills. Additionally, the unit encourages ethical discussions and creative thinking about the possibilities of future technology, preparing students for a rapidly changing technological landscape.