Events, Trainings, and CACTC Learning Series

Our Data and Epidemiology Team sometimes partners with other agencies to facilitate trainings or other events for local partners. We also keep an eye out for other resources that might help partners with their data needs.

CACTC has also started hosting a monthly learning series to help support improving data literacy and project planning capacity across our community. We'll post those here and then link to the recordings.

Past Trainings and Associated Resources

Using Google Sites to Foster Local Engagement (Learning Series)

Monday, May 15, 3-4 PM, Zoom (Click here for the recording)

Google Sites is a free website builder and hosting service provided by Google. It allows users to create and publish websites without needing to have any prior knowledge of coding or web design. 

CACTC and the Cortland County Health Department have started using Google Sites as a tool for engaging with the public, communicating with partner agencies, and fostering collaboration within internal teams. You may have seen Google Sites in action with CCHD’s CHA and CHIP Portal or CACTC’s Health Communications Portal.

In this session, we will discuss possible use cases for Google Sites, such as

Aster Parrott and Matt Whitman (CACTC ) and Margaret Broderick (Cortland County Health Department) will present examples of each use case and share what they’ve learned through implementation. Our speakers will also highlight some of the most useful Google Sites features and some tips for building a new one.

Whether you're looking to create a public-facing website to showcase your organization's work, a private site for internal teams to collaborate and share resources, or a partner site to streamline communication with external agencies, this webinar has something for you.

AI Tools for Project Management (Learning Series)

Monday, March 13, 3-4 PM, Zoom (Click here for the recording)

Matt Whitman, CACTC Executive Director, will be providing an overview of how integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and automation can enhance project management for non-profit organizations. By incorporating AI and automation, organizations can streamline their marketing and content creation, communications, data analysis, strategic planning, assessment, fundraising, and other functions.

In this workshop, we will explore the core areas where AI and automation can be implemented and show how they can be used in different contexts. We will provide an overview of generative AI, showcase examples of its application, and introduce various AI tools such as ChatGPT, sound enhancement softwares, programs to help with Excel, and more!

Join us as we delve into the exciting world of AI and automation for non-profit project management and learn how to leverage these powerful tools to maximize your organization's impact.

Planning SMART: Strengthen Your Goals and Objectives to Improve Your Prevention Planning Process (Learning Series)

Monday, February 13, 3-4:15 PM, Zoom (Click here for the recording)

Developed by CACTC and the Northeast & Caribbean PTTC

As the writer Antoine Saint-Exupery once said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” 

Using a strong public health planning model is essential to making data-driven decisions, or decisions that are strategically aligned with your organization’s mission, identified needs, selected strategies and desired outcomes. 

Developing broad, all-encompassing goals and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Phased) objectives is a key component in this type of planning process, leading to more objectivity in the implementation and evaluation of selected initiatives and a greater likelihood of making a positive impact on community health outcomes.

During this 1-hour webinar, participants will: 

We will: 

Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss their past successes and barriers to setting and pursuing goals and objectives in their prevention planning efforts and consider real-world benefits and challenges of committing to this type of process.

The registration link is available here.  (Registration is needed to receive your access link.)

Questions? Contact Clare Neary, Northeast & Caribbean PTTC Project Coordinator.