Healing Cortland

Healing Cortland is a community-wide, data-driven initiative to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths in Cortland County. With staff support from CACTC, Healing Cortland brings together partners from across our community and region, along with those directly impacted, to implement effective strategies to save lives. 

HEALing Communities Study

The project Healing Cortland is currently taking part in the the HEALing Communities Study (HCS), which runs from July 1, 2022 until December 31, 2023. NIH and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration launched the HCS to investigate how tools for preventing and treating opioid misuse and OUD are most effective at the local level. The Healing Cortland initiative will take lessons learned from the HCS to create a sustainable approach that serves Cortland County after this grant-funded project is over. For more information or to get involved in the HEALing Communities Study, click this link

Local Data Collection

The County Implementation Team has been collecting local data to inform decision-making and guide the project. Some of the data that are being collected currently include:

NYS Opioid-related Data and Dashboard

 The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Opioid Prevention Program provides county-level public-facing data (found here) that anyone can access including:

CACTC and Data for Healing Cortland

Substance use is one of many areas of data collection and strategy implementation that CACTC has worked in. CACTC has a long history of working to make local data a meaningful tool for decision-making. 

The Healing Cortland Website has resources containing local opioid-related data that have been developed by Healing Cortland staff at CACTC. Here is an example of what's available: 

CACTC also offers data support upon request. For example:

CACTC Opioid-related Data Reports

The HEALing Communities Study is meant to complement and build on existing efforts in Cortland County related to opioid education and prevention. 

The first step in developing implementation strategies is conducting a community-wide needs assessment that identifies baseline measures, existing service capacity, and gaps in data and resources across the prevention, treatment, and recovery spectrum.

Harm reduction services are focused on keeping people who use opioids or other substances safer from detrimental effects. These can include the evidence-based strategies such as the distribution of naloxone and syringe service programs (SSP) that mitigate impacts of infectious diseases related to intravenous drug use and promote drug user health.

In this strategy report, we will describe community resources, identify existing data and gaps, and provide a brief overview of literature that better informs our efforts to reduce overdose deaths in Cortland County.