Literacy Coalition


The Literacy Project involves the Cortland County Literacy Coalition and the Literacy Coalition of Onondaga County. In Cortland County, the collaboration strives toward a shared vision that all children will read on grade level by the end of third grade. In Onondaga County, the Coalition focuses on early childhood development and literacy, adult education, and family literacy. In both coalitions, partnering organizations utilize data to improve accessibility to education and literacy services.

Needs Assessments: Early Childhood Language and Literacy Development in Cortland County and Early Childhood and Adult Literacy in Onondaga County

Cortland Area Communities That Care (CACTC) published needs assessments for both the Cortland County Literacy Coalition and the Literacy Coalition of Onondaga County. Each needs assessment provides an overview of literacy efforts in the respective counties. Local survey results, data from the New York State Department of Education, U.S. Census, American Community Survey, and other sources are utilized in both needs assessments.

Cortland County

The Needs Assessment: Early Childhood Language and Literacy Development in Cortland County indicated poverty as a key risk factor for poor educational outcomes. Coupling that information with the prevalence of poverty in Cortland County, the Coalition aligned all interventions to benefit children facing economic disparities.

Focus Area: Early childhood programs

Goal #1: Increase awareness of early childhood programs

Focus Area: Book access

Goal #2: Build family libraries through free book distribution

Focus Area: At-home literacy and learning

Goal #3: Improve family reading practices 

Goal #4: Support childhood learning in out-of-school daily activities through parent education

Onondaga County

The Needs Assessment: Early Childhood and Adult Literacy in Onondaga County examined data surrounding both childhood and adult educational outcomes. As a result, the Coalition focuses on providing literacy services to all members of the family.

Focus Area: Early childhood programs

Goal #1: Increase awareness of early childhood programs

Focus Area: Book access

Goal #2: Increase community involvement with libraries

Goal #3: Increase age-appropriate book distribution to children

Focus Area: Adult education

Goal #4: Increase enrollment in adult learning programs

CACTC Literacy Data Reports

Coalition members can use the data to identify specific target populations and establish SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) objectives for strategies. These measures will provide a baseline for evaluation purposes over the next five years. Additional data assessment and analysis will be conducted for each strategy to better inform planning, development, and implementation of selected strategies.