PurchaseAP Data Model

Last Edit: December 1, 2017 the alpha360 team

The main table of the PurchaseAP Entity is the bPurchaseAP table - every bPurchaseAP record is related to one and only one bBusinessDocument record.

This is done with a one to one relation between the bBusinessDocument record and a bPurchaseAP record - here the PK is the bBusinessDocument.sBusinessDocumentPK field and the FK is the bPurchaseAP.sBusinessDocumentFK field.

To implement this type of relation in the Analysis:

  • we have used a [0,n]->[1,1] link between the bBusinessDocument table and the bPurchaseAP table, and
  • we assign the bPurchaseAP.sBusinessDocumentFK as a PK of the bPurchasePayment table - making it unique (see the image bellow).
This data model is built from the Universal Business Document Model

A general and simplified graph of the PurchaseAP Data Model

The bPurchaseAP table

The bPurchaseAP has the following important data:

  • bPurchaseAP.sBusinessDocumentFK - the PK of the bPurchasePayment table and the FK for the relation with the bBusinessDocument table
  • bPurchaseAP.sPartyFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the gParty table (list of Parties)
  • bPurchaseAP.sPartyBranchFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the gPartyBranch table (list of Branches for Parties)
  • bPurchaseAP.sPartyPostingFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the gPartyPosting table (list of Party Postings) - it controls the posting to GL.
  • bPurchaseAP.cTOTALAmountCurrency - the TOTAL amount, in the documents original currency
  • bPurchaseAP.cTOTALAmountCurrency - the TOTAL amount, in the local currency

The bBusinessDocument table

The bBusinessDocument has the following important data:

  • bBusinessDocument.sBusinessDocumentPK - the PK
  • bBusinessDocument.sBusinessObjectFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the bBusinessObject table (list of Business Objects)
  • bBusinessDocument.sCompanyFiscalYearFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the gCompanyFiscalYear table (list of fiscal years)
  • bBusinessDocument.sCompanyBranchFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the gCompanyBranch table (list of company branches)
  • bBusinessDocument.sCompanyDepartmentFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the gCompanyDepartment table (list of company departments)
  • bBusinessDocument.sCurrencyFK - the FK for the [1,1]->[0,n] relation to the gCurrency table (list of currencies) - the documents Original Currency
  • bBusinessDocument.cExchangeCurrency - the Exchange rate between the documents Original Currency and the LOCAL currency of the company
  • bBusinessDocument.sDocumentID - a unicode string
  • bBusinessDocument.dDocumentDate - the documents date
  • bBusinessDocument.dTransactionDate - the documents transaction date (can be different from the DocumentDate)
  • bBusinessDocument.bPosted - Post/Unpost flag
  • bBusinessDocument.bPostedGL - Post/Unpost to General Ledger flag
  • bBusinessDocument.bCanceled - Cancel flag

The bBusinessObject table

Every bBusinessDocument record has a [1,1]->[0,n] relation to a bBusinessObject record.

At the end, this record - the bBusinessObject record - gives the bPurchaseAP record all its functionality (numbering, defaults, print forms) including its specific Business Object Role.

The bPurchaseAP table currently supports the following Business Objects Roles:

  • PurchaseAP Payments, General PurchaseAP Credits and General PurchaseAP Debits

The bBusinessDocument_CashLine

The alpha360 supports one Payment distributed to many different CashBooks (or Cash Accounts) - the bBusinessDocument_CheckLine stores these "different payments" - note here that each record is related to the bBusinessDocument record.

The bBusinessDocument_CheckLine

The alpha360 supports one check Payment distributed to many different Checks - the bBusinessDocument_CheckLine stores these "different check payments" - note here that each record is related to the bBusinessDocument record.

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