Calculating GPA

Calculating GPA

Things to remember:

GPA is cumulative. All of the courses you have taken in high school are included (there is no "semester" GPA).

Most colleges are looking at your weighted GPA. This takes into account and gives you credit for taking honors and AP courses.

A grade becomes part of your GPA when the course is over (not mid-year for Aday Bday classes).

For each final grade you earn, there is a point value associated with it (see chart below). Earned points are added together and divided by the number of total classes you've taken. This is your GPA.

Earned GPA points (weighed and unweighted) and total number of classes taken can be found on the second page of your transcript. Your weighed and unweighted GPA is listed there as well. ​(See below)

In the above example, the student has earned 100 weighted points based on their grades. The student has taken 24 classes in high school. (25 courses towards graduation, middle school courses do not get calculated into GPA, just into graduation requirements)

So: 100 points/24 classes = 4.16 weighted GPA

90 unweighted points/24 classes = 3.75 unweighted GPA

You can use the points you've earned to calculate expected GPA. Add the number of points you think you'll earn to the number you have and divide by the number of classes.

Using the information above, here is an example of how to calculate your new GPA:

See below for additional information from the CMS Course Planning Guide. Please direct all further questions about GPA to your counselor!