Welcome to the Show Choirs Page!

Voices N' Harmony

Voices N' Harmony is the varsity LNE show choir.   This audition ensemble meets during the school day, in addition- choreography camps and evening practices apply.  This competition group will prepare an 18-20 show during 1st semester, then will start performing in competition from January- March.  Voices 'N' Harmony also prepares the annual "Rock Show" during fourth quarter.  


Dynamix is the junior varsity LNE show choir.   This audition ensemble meets during the school day, in addition- choreography camps and evening practices apply.  This competition group will prepare an 18-20 show during 1st semester, then will start performing in competition from January- March.  Voices 'N' Harmony also prepares the annual "Rock Show" during fourth quarter.

Previous Meetings Slides

2023-2024 LNE Show Choirs Parent Meeting
LNE Show Choir 23-24

Show Choir Important Info

Copy of Vocal Music Audition Guide 2022-2023 (1).pdf