Social-Emotional & Wellness

This page is brought to you by Counselors & Administrators to provide support to families. Scroll through the table of contents below.

School Counselor Role in Social-Emotional Learning

School counselors have specialized training in counseling and human development.  All school counselors have Master degrees.  School counselors are able to assist students in personal challenges or barriers that are interfering with academic success: family conflicts, conflicts with friends, communications skills, teacher conflicts, etc. Counselors use solution-focused strategies to help students make informed decisions. Often times, they will refer students and families to Mental Health agencies, when appropriate. Above all, school counselors are advocates for students.  We also are fortunate to have a full-time Student Assistance Professional this year! See info below.

Counselor-Student Confidentiality

Information shared with School Counselors is held in the highest respect.  It is important for counselors to maintain trusting relationships with students, while advocating for student needs and well-being. We are obliged to break student confidentiality in the following instances:


Mrs. Jackie Schmidt: Student Assistance Professional

We are fortunate to have Jackie Schmidt as our Student Assistance Professional (SAP) at Olympic. She is a great resource and runs support groups or meets with students one-on-one to assist with barriers to their success. She is here at OLY Full time!

Contact at   360-662-2845


Crisis resources, Meals, Housing Assistance, Mental Health Resources, Military Family Resources and more to support families 

Community Resources & Wellness resources & topics to help families find balance, including strategies to help increase hope and support the ability to bounce back when faced with life's challenges.

Make time for personal wellness, including coping strategies and more

Financial Assistance

In Between Housing?

Students in CKSD who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence may qualify for services provided by the school district?  Are you and/or your children…

If any of the above situations apply to your family, your child may qualify for services such as free meals, transportation, and additional tutoring.  Children in temporary or short-term foster care may also qualify.  Please contact the counseling staff for more information. 

Peninsula Community Health Services 

CKSD now has 5 locations for students & families to access physical and mental wellness services. Click here to visit site or see contact information below


Olympic High School  ~  Fairview Middle School  ~  Esquire Hills Elementary

Klahowya Secondary School  ~  Barker Creek Community School


By Phone: 360-377-3776  ~  Chat: PCHSWEB.ORG  ~  Email:

School Nurse can schedule medical appointments; School Counselor can refer


How To Support Your Child After Traumatic Events

How to Manage Trauma_National Council of Behavioral Health infographic2018.pdf

The Parenting Place 

community classes & resources that help family members build positive family relationships & create healthy home environments.

Dispute Resolution Center

Services include parent-youth mediations, facilitations, trainings & restorative practices. Trained youth & adult mediators help families have safe and positive conversations about family disagreements and conflict at home