Family Wellness
We hope to provide you with strategies that will support your ability to bounce back when faced with life's challenges.
We hope to provide you with strategies that will support your ability to bounce back when faced with life's challenges.
In this site, we will highlight:
In this site, we will highlight:
~ Where to find support in the community
~ What the experts say about the impact of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences
~ What the experts say about the impact of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences
~ How to calm the brain and body when we feel high emotions
~ How to calm the brain and body when we feel high emotions
~ Strategies and tools we can use at home to improve a sense of well-being
~ Strategies and tools we can use at home to improve a sense of well-being
~ Tips to support our relationship with those we care the most about.
~ Tips to support our relationship with those we care the most about.
Special recognition goes to the parents who participated on CKSD Family Wellness Team and who provided valuable input. We also would like to thank our community partners, Kitsap Strong, Peninsula Community Health Services, Kitsap Mental Health and Navy Region NW Fleet and Family, for your ongoing support.