
Don’t ignore your anxiety

It’s very normal to feel scared about something like this. Acknowledge that you feel this way. Don’t ignore these feelings.

Let it go

  • Allow yourself to worry by writing down your worries and thoughts in a notebook.

  • Once you’ve written it down you can let it go by putting the notebook away in a drawer or somewhere safe.

Bring it back to the present

  • With anxiety, it’s often like you’re 10 steps ahead, so bring things back to the present.

  • Be really aware of what you’re thinking. Sometimes we are catastrophizing, we're focusing on all these ‘what ifs?’ Bring things back to what you actually know.

  • Reassure yourself, calm yourself so that you can self-soothe.

Wellbeing check

  • Make sure you are looking after yourself, doing what you can to help get a good night’s sleep, eating well and doing exercise.


  • Self-manage any health conditions to prevent them being exacerbated by stress hormones that are released when anxious.

  • Anxiety links our brain and body. Make sure you are doing what you can to look after your physical health.

Breathing techniques and mindfulness

  • Practise mindfulness or use breathing techniques to help you relax.

  • These can be helpful in managing anxiety.

  • They are good tools for dealing with nervous feelings.

  • And don't forget to breathe...

Mindfulness - five senses.mp4

Check out the mindfulness video created by college students to help you connect to your senses: sight, sound, smell and touch. These are things we do without thinking - mindfulness helps us to tune into these senses to help us overcome anxiety and fear.