Huiling Community Care Center 慧灵




    這是去年最令我無法忘懷的記憶之一。                                                         ——高明澈



    Please allow me to introduce what autism and intellectual disability means before I tell you about what this community project is for.

     Autism: Autism is a development disorder characterised by troubles with social interaction and communication and by restricted and repetitive behaviour.

      Intellectual disability : Intellectual disability (ID), also known as general learning disability, and mental retardation (MR), is a generalised neuro-developmental disorder characterised by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive function. It is defined by an IQ under 70  in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviours that affect everyday, general living.

    “This is one of my most unforgettable memory in last year.”                            —— Mitchell Grace 

    Huiling Service center, established in 1990, is one of the  most famous commonweal non-profit Organization in China. 

    You are going to take care of adults who suffer from autism and intellectual disability with your unique talent of art, which means you will share love and happiness created by yourself. Honestly, it’s boring to have a long period to do a community project that you know nothing about it. You are going to face adults who will take an unbearable long time to understand what you are saying. However, it’s also them who will show up the happiest smile in the world. Most of you have gone through a long period of learning music and dance, for which, I have one question that how many of you have showed your art talent to these stranger who have little chance to experience the beauty of art. 

   There is one saying for everyone: art is creating, which means sharing, and  love comes from it.




      “这是去年最令我无法忘怀的记忆之一。”                                                         ——高明澈

