China Grassroots Football

China Grassroots Football (CGF) aims to spread the love of football across China by reaching children in rural areas who lack access to the sport. Since its launch in 2011, CGF has partnered closely with CIS students since 2013. These students collaborate with coaches and players from Sinobal, a professional football club in Hangzhou, to promote sportsmanship, hard work, and a love for football.

We have worked in various schools in and around Hangzhou, organizing special events such as a large football tournament for multiple schools in rural Lin'an. Additionally, we teach English football terminology and share strategies from diverse coaching styles worldwide. At China Grassroots Football, our goal is to use our skills and passion to give back to the community and foster social awareness.

Links Leader: 

Ean Lane & Tristan Lui (HZ11)

Chrys Yue (HZ10)

Julian Sung (HZ9)

James Guo (HZ8)

Justin Kim (HZ7)

Hangzhou 11

April 17, 2024

Today was our final session teaching the children football. Due to the inconvenient weather, we had to take 1 lesson into the classroom and use their gym for the second lesson. 

We didn’t expect to have a change of plans as the weather looked fine before we left. So during the bus ride to our location, we decided to come up with a plan for today. We thought of teaching the children some English vocabulary and playing a game that involves it after. We picked the game charades and pictionary and the words we taught them included the themes animals and sports. We taught vocabulary words like elephant, alligator, bowling, cycling and many more. 

After the classroom session, we were allowed to use their indoor gym to teach them football. We first split them into 3 groups so that it would be easier to manage. We first taught them dribbling, passing and then shooting. After that, we organised some scrimmage games to end it off. 

In general, we were able to teach the children a lot of the basics that are involved in football and we made sure to let them have fun at the same time while learning. 

- Kyle Wong

March 20, 2024

Today was our third visit to this location. We split them into 4 equal groups and immediately started the lesson. We started with some simple warm up drills such as running to make sure they don’t get hurt and moved to a short game in which they had to throw the ball to each other without running in order to teach them how to run into space and receive the ball. We then wanted to assess their knowledge through some simple drills such as passing and dribbling. We then did a short shooting drill and transitioned into a match. When playing the match, all the children were super invested and really enjoyed the lesson.

- Tristan Lui

March 13, 2024

In the visit to our Football Centre today, the kids at first did not look really motivated to play after we made them run laps as a warm up. But then, we made it fun by doing little competitions between the boys and girls and surprisingly the girls did a lot better than the guys did. We also did a little shooting drill where I played keeper and everytime they scored I said I would give them candy. To finish off our session we played a match with separate genders and all the coaches joined in for fun. Overall, very good links visit.

- Ean Lane

March 6, 2024

Today, it was our first time at this location in over a month. Before we arrived, we were told that we would have to do our session indoors. As we were going, we weren’t sure what we should have expected, but as we arrived, we were grateful that our location was big enough to carry out our lesson. As the children arrived, we split them into 4 groups of 10 and we did some warm up drills. As we started our lesson, we were greeted by Mr Pollock, Ms Uttam, and 張校長. The lesson went smoothly and we were able to do all the drills and we’re grateful that all the children were able to understand the drills. At the end of the session, we held 2 matches, one with boys and the other with girls. Overall, this lesson was super productive and we were able to teach every single child something new and everyone enjoyed it.

- Tristan Lui

February 28, 2024

When we arrived on campus, we all gathered together to address the day plan and our manner and attitude towards teaching the kids. When the kids were ready we split off into 2 different classrooms, 4-5 of us in each classroom. We first started the session by teaching them some basic vocabulary. We planned to use slides we created on our computer but the teachers weren’t able to connect it onto the screen until later, luckily Evol had printed large physical flashcards that we could present to the kids. We taught them how to say words like shoot, defence, goalkeeper etc. and the English and Chinese meaning . Our group then decided to play a game with them, splitting the class into 2 teams, covering the english word and letting them send a representative to come to the front to guess the english word, we did the same for the chinese words too. The losers would have to do a dance. The final thing we taught them was how to respond to the question ‘What sports do you like?’, we asked the class to name all the sports they played and let them answer with the sentence starter ‘I like to play…’ as a class. Finally we used the sports they said and played a game of charades so they could practise their english vocabulary. This time out was a lot of fun and successful, the kids were great and we look forward to coming again next time.

- Jett Lui

January 17, 2024

Today was our first visit to the new location. We first started by setting up, and then we split the children into two groups. We had a meeting prior to this visit and therefore used the drills that we planned. After doing a few drills to analyze the levels of the children, we played some matches between the children. This was really fun and the children learned a lot. We ended off the lesson by playing a game of students versus teachers. Overall this visit, we felt very lucky to have the opportunity to move to a bigger school and also teach a higher level of football.

- Tristan Lui

January 10, 2024

Today was the first time we went to our new location, and right away we were amazed by how engaged our students were. We were told by the teachers that we needed to give a quick introduction and I remember asking the kids who’s ready to play football, and immediately, all 80 of the kids said “Me!” I do have to admit though, it was a challenge managing 80 kids with only 9 of us. 

The start of the lesson was a bit shaky with the kids not really understanding what we were saying. But after a 10 minute warmup my group of kids immediately asked to play a match and I just let the kids play for a good 30 minutes. It was good to see smiles across all the kids faces which showed that they enjoyed their time.

Next time, I would ask to not have 80 kids to split up because it was not ideal and each group of kids required a big amount of space, so only thing that I would change next time we visit, is to have a smaller group of kids so all the leaders can work together more and make it a more fun experience.

- Ean Lane

December 6, 2023

Today was the final links visit of 2023. This was a momentous occasion as it would be our last links visit to this location. We have contacted Joe, the CP, and have decided that it would be in everyone's best interest if we could switch to a school with a larger facility so that we could maximize our teaching abilities and increase the effectiveness of our classes. During this visit, we were down two members of our team as they were both sick by coincidence. Therefore, we needed to adapt and decided that we would recruit the help of our supervising coach mentor - Evol. Evol was a great help to our group as he brought with him a range of drills and a positive mindset that helped not only with the teaching but also the confidence of the kids. During this visit, the teaching abilities of our members were displayed more than before. It could be seen by the bonds our group members formed with the children, specifically one of our members, Ethan, who formed a special bond with one of the children. We played some games today to help with the students' knowledge on left and right and also helped improve their football skills. Overall, we are very privileged to have worked with such a good school and are excited to move on to a new chapter of our links.

- Tristan Lui

November 29, 2023

Today was definitely a very special trip but also a very successful one. We had a total of 12 people today due to two links groups not being able to go to their locations. I think the main highlight of our trip was seeing all the kids very happy seeing new people and how the kids have warmed up to us a lot more. A couple of them couldn’t stop hugging us. Overall, this was by far the best links trips we had.

- Ean Lane

November 22, 2023

When we went to the autism center, we were half an hour early. We used this time to go to McDonald's and plan out our lessons for the day. We brought along mini goals and cones for this lesson after some advice from the Group A Links Leader, Ean. After going back to the autism center, we split up into our separate classrooms. Everyone split up into groups of 2, and I went alone. We got through one hour of classes and then it was time for our lesson to start. For my lesson, I joined up with my group members Hubert and Michael to have a larger class, however, this wasn’t optimal as the 2 different classes had differing skill levels. We started out with some passing drills to warm up, then we transitioned into one versus-one. This was extremely fun for both us and the children as they were all willing to participate. Ultimately, we all came together and took a group photo. This lesson was a major development in our coaching and learning more about the kids.

- Tristan Lui

November 15, 2023

Today, we arrived at the Autism Center quite early so we did a bit of planning as to what we were going to do with the kids today and what football drills we would do. We were fortunate enough to find a mini goal in one of the classrooms which made our lives a lot easier when it came to coaching. We mainly focused on shooting and teaching the kids how to shoot into the goal. It was fun seeing how most of the kids were so excited after scoring a goal and nice to see them celebrate. Overall, we had a fun time teaching them again and can’t wait for the next session.

- Ean Lane

September 27, 2023

Our first Links trip to Grassroots Football at an autism center was memorable and unforgettable. We arrived an hour before we started while we got a short briefing from one of the teachers there and everyone listened attentively to the briefing. After the briefing, we planned out our lesson and decided on what we should be doing. It was clear at that point that everyone was showing signs of nervousness as it was most of our first time dealing with children with special needs. However, the nervousness slowly faded away when it was time to start the lessons. We joined in their lessons and mostly just listened for the first hour to familiarize ourselves with the environment. Finally, we had 30 minutes of football class where we mostly played football games. We were all surprised at their ability to pick up a new sport so quickly. However, something that we didn’t account for would be the separated classes, where 2 of us would coach one class, and the others split off into pairs to coach their classes. Through this unexpected event, however, everyone showed professionalism and maturity and was able to coach these children and we all formed special bonds with the children. We are grateful for this opportunity from the school to step outside our comfort zone and do something that we normally won’t do and haven’t ever done before. Overall, our whole group learned a lot through this unique experience and can’t wait to go back again in November. 

- Tristan Lui

September 20, 2023

Today was our first outing to our Grassroots Football Location which was an Autism Centre. We arrived there an hour before our session with the kids because we needed a quick briefing by one of the teachers at the centre. After the briefing, our group came together and set our goals for the day. I think it’s safe to say that everyone was all a bit nervous at first as most of us have never really encountered kids with special needs before. But in the end, we all came back happy and grateful for the experience. One highlight was definitely communicating with the kids and how happy they were to see us.

- Ean Lane

Hangzhou 10

March 22, 2023

Today was our last visit to the primary school. We reached out and contacted the primary school at the beginning of semester two in an attempt to find a better fitting setting for the Grassroots program and a place where all members of the team would be able to be involved. Working with the primary school proved to be the right choice, as week after week, session after session, everyone on the team grew even more passionate about teaching the children. They were more than welcoming to have us be a part of their weekly schedule and provided us with the resources we needed to conduct a successful session every week. Because of this, we wanted to give back to them and show them our gratitude. 

Mr. Jones and the athletics committee reached out to me a couple of days back and asked me whether or not we could donate the mini goals in the gym to Grassroots, and the school no longer needed it. After checking the condition of the mini goals, I knew it would be a fitting gift for the primary school. As a team, we took the goal apart and brought it onto the van. We then assembled it together and gifted it to the school. 

Our session today was cut short due to the weather. However, we still did what we could. We split the group into two groups and conducted one English class. The first half of the teaching was done by Michael, Angus, Nathan, Alex and Narayan. They were responsible for teaching the year 3 students basic English football vocabulary, such as football, pitch, player, goal, offside etc. They used both English and Chinese so that the children could gain a better understanding of the vocabulary. After half of the class, Solomon, Carol, Max and I continued to solidify their understanding of the words and then showed them a short animated video about football. The children all seemed engaged and enjoyed the video. We concluded the lesson by answering some of their questions. 

Although our last session was significantly shorter than the other sessions and heavily affected by the inclement weather meaning we were unable to play any football, it is not an accurate representation of the partnership we’ve had with the primary school since the beginning of this semester. This semester, we were able to share our passion for football, and understanding of the game with the primary school children. On behalf of this year's Grassroots football team, we would like to thank Joe, the founder of China Grassroots, Mr. Pollock, and Evol. Without them, we would not have been able to have such a successful second semester. We’ve all learnt so much from this experience. Thank you. 

- Chrys Yue

March 15, 2023

Today was our fourth visit to the primary school with Carol as the leader since Chrys is not in Hangzhou at the moment. Huge shoutout to Nathan despite being injured, he is still very passionate and decided to go support the team. This time, we taught primary 3 students and our objective of the lesson is to help them master basic English football terms and simply allow them to enjoy the beautiful game, and most importantly bond with the children. In order to achieve that, we first taught them simple football-related wordings and quizzed them afterwards to make sure they fully understood the content. As expected, the intelligent children aced it completely with no difficulties. Then, we headed out the classroom down to the football pitch. Since they are young, we did not want to do intensive drills so instead we splitted them into 4 teams and played mini games on each half court. In order to keep discipline and connect more with the kids, us coaches blended in and played with the kids and all of us had loads of fun, and definitely looking forward to our last visit of the semester. 

- Angus Wong

March 1, 2023

Today was our 3rd session with the primary school and we welcomed Nathan Koh into our links as this was his first time. This time we were lucky enough to be able to teach some Year 6 students. Since we didn’t expect to teach such bright young minds, the materials we prepared prior to wednesday were much too easy for them. However, we tried our best to amend the lesson to suit their level. We printed out the powerpoint that we presented which was projected on the board. I think that this time was a lot more successful than last week because the kids this time were a lot more responsible and had a lot of respect for us, they even started to take notes on our ppt! 

After our English lesson we took the children to the football court where the other half started to prepare for the lesson. Since, they were a lot older than the kids we were teaching before we split them into girls and boys due to the range of levels across the year group. We had a shooting drill and a passing drill like the first week and then played a big game of girls v boys at the end of the session. I think that this was one of our most successful sessions with the primary school. 

- Carol Pong

February 22, 2023

This week, we went back to the primary school in the school van. We were welcomed by one of the teachers and were taken to a different class than last time. We were given 10 minutes beforehand to prepare ourselves for the English lessons. We were meant to show them a powerpoint which was made beforehand by me, however, we weren’t able to show it due to technical difficulties. However, we had a back up plan which was to repeat the same lesson as last week but with slight changes. We taught English this time in small groups so it was easier for them to remember. We also had treats for them to encourage them to answer more often. The english class went well however, I think that there is a lot of space for improvement such as gaining the student’s attention at times since they can get distracted easily. 

We then started our first session of football with the same class. We led a quick warm-up and then split them into 4 groups. Each group had about 10 students and each group just played a 5-a-side game. There were 2 supervisors per group making sure the game was played correctly. After we ran out of time we got together to take a group picture.

Then another class of year 2 students came for another football session. However, there was only 20 minutes left since they came late. Therefore, we just split them into 2 teams and had a big game of football. Everyone also participated in the game either helping the ball move further along the pitch or just refereeing the game. It was a little stressful since there wasn’t a lot of time. However, at the end there were a lot of smiles on the students’ faces. 

On the way back, we had a small meeting on the bus reflecting on our session this week. Overall, it was another pretty successful links outing. 

- Carol Pong

Today's visit was featured on the town of Lin'an's community weixin page.

February 15, 2023

Today was our first Links trip to our new school in semester 2, and it was my first ever links trip as well as Narayan’s. We were gladly joined by the leader of Grassroots Football, Joe, who helped us organize today’s Links trip. Additionally, Mr. Pollock also came along to have an insight into our links. We left school around noon, and we were able to get there in less than an hour. We were welcomed by the primary headmaster, who took us to our first English session with them. 

The five of us, Chrys, Ava, Solomon, and Max, bravely decided to be the ones teaching them English football terms. There were about 40 students, and they were all very genuine and very eager to learn more English and football. We had printed out some papers beforehand which had football-related words on them with the Chinese translation and a picture to support it. This was projected onto the screen, which made it easy for the children to see; this allowed them to recite the words after us. There were ten words, and at the end of the session, the students could recite some of the words with a bit of aid. This took about 20 minutes, and in the last 10 minutes, we showed them a compilation of football shots where Chrys and Max analyzed parts of the video, which linked back to the English words we learned prior. 

After that, we moved to the football turf at the school campus, where the other half of Narayan, Michael, Isaac, Angus, and Alex were already setting up for the session. We started off with a jog around the pitch to set off the mood as they were all extremely excited to go play football. Ava and I then led a small warm-up where they were in a circle and had them following us whilst we were doing some stretches in the middle. 

After that was done, we split them into two groups. We had two stations in each group; one was a passing drill where we had them in pairs and taught them how to pass correctly. The other station was a shooting drill where they would come up to the goal and practice shooting into it. Afterward, we played a 10v10 game with Chrys and me helping out in the first group. We then switched, and Solomon, Ava, Isaac, Angus, and Max helped out and refereed the second game. 

However, I must say the highlight of today was when I was talking to a group of girls at the side during the second game. This helped me get an insight into their lifestyle, and this was a great way for me to interact and socialize with them. 

After the session, Joe gave us his perspective of his experience today and told us what we could have done better and advice to make our next link session even better. Finally, on the way back, Joe took us to a football pitch, where we could play for 20 minutes before returning to the bus.

- Carol Pong

December 7, 2022

Today’s visit marks possibly our last visit to the autism centre to play football with the children. I asked the team to sprint to the finish, and make sure we ended on a high. Although we didn’t prepare a proper send-off, we tried our best to ensure the children would remember us and this experience. 

We started off by once again mentioning the World Cup and its presence in the current world. The children seemed more interested this time, and some teachers joined in to discuss it. One kid said he hoped to see China play in the World Cup. 

After mentioning the World Cup, we got into playing football. This time, we dived straight into playing football. We did the shooting and made sure the children were engaged with us. All of us worked with 1-2 children and focussed on making sure they could do very basic football skills (passing, shooting, dribbling). We finished with a big game. Everyone, including the children and us, was extremely engaged and had fun, which was what we were trying to achieve in the first place. 

Although we may not have given them our very best in terms of coaching and teaching, we still persevered through tough moments as a team. I am extremely proud of my team. After this semester of working with the autism centre and coaching these children football, I, and the entire team, are extremely grateful. China Grassroots Football and the autism school allowed us to combine our passion for football with helping out the community. Although we likely won’t be coming back to the autism school next semester, we have all learnt a lot from them as a team. Thank you. 

- Chrys Yue

November 23, 2022

On this Links trip, we worked on engaging with the students and making sure they were aware of the current World Cup. We attempted to broaden and expand their knowledge towards the greater footballing community. We introduced them to the idea of the World Cup, a little bit of the history of the event and how they could possibly be impacted in their daily lives by this event. We told them about possible advertisements they see on TV and the news that correlate to the World Cup. Although most of them were oblivious to it, we still continued to inform them about it, in hopes that they will have a certain awareness of the event.

In terms of the football being played today, it was pretty standard. We started off with a game of Red Light Green Light, in which all the children seemed quite engaged. After that, we introduced a new game, Duck Duck Goose. It was quite difficult to play the game with the children because the children had difficulty figuring out what to do and most of the time, seemed quite lost. However, we helped out and made sure all the children had at least one turn to play. After that, we worked on passing and shooting as usual, but we tried to show more examples and grab the children's attention while doing so. The game we played, in the end, was not what we expected. The children were not engaged and seemed disconnected from what we were doing. 

For our next visit, I want to further work on giving them an understanding regarding the current World Cup that is happening right now. I am also very happy with the way the team worked today. Most of us were engaged and working hard. 

- Chrys Yue

November 16, 2022

Today was one of the best visits to the autism center. All of our members were extremely engaged and were focused on solely teaching the children football. Sander was very helpful in making sure all members of the team were focused on the task and doing what they had to do. Both Marcus and Sean were quite passionate and focused on one kid and made sure the kid was comfortable with him. Our main goal was just to let Sander be comfortable with the concept of Links and community service in Hangzhou. 

Our first session was quite monotone, as usual. However, we were all very engaged and follow one kid and made sure each kid received adequate attention. Our session ended 10 minutes early which worked in our favor, as we ran out of ideas. Next time, we can discuss with Joe and the school about shortening the session.

For our second session, all the kids seemed very active and we were all excited for them. The new members of our team were extremely helpful in giving children the attention they needed and engaging with them. We spent a full 20 minutes playing a football game with them, and in the end, they all seemed very happy, and so did we. 

Overall, I think today was our best trip so far, and I’ll be looking forward to modeling our next few trips similar to this one. 

- Chrys Yue

November 9, 2022

Our goal for todays visit to the autism centre was to always be energised and happy when teaching these children, and make the best out of the day in general, even with fewer people and new members. Eric, Dennis and Justin Yen came with us to the autism centre to teach and play football with the kids. They all helped our in making our time with the kids more smooth and fun in general. 

In our first session with the children, the children seemed to be a lot less active and responsive to simple questions, very likely due to their young age. This was difficult to deal with for the new members and even some of the members that have been part of the Grassroots Football program for a while now. We still continued to follow the teaching plan and play the games that were planned out. 

For our second session, we were all a lot more energised and happy to play and teach football with the older and more responsive children. They seemed to be more engaged and focused, compared to the first group. This made our job easier, but also a lot more fun too. The temporary members on our team also enjoyed the second session more with the more engaged and responsive older children. 

Overall, I think our trip today was quite successful, although I would like to further analyse and understand how we can make the first session with the less responsive and engaged younger children more fun. 

- Chrys Yue

October 26, 2022

Today was our third visit to the autism centre, and it required us to exhibit our adaptation and improvisation skills. Prior to arriving at the autism centre, we didn’t check the weather to see what conditions would be like for today. Before we could begin our first session, it began to rain. Evol, our CM did a very good job helping us communicate with the teachers and organizers at the centre, while most of our group was thinking of different plans and approaches we could take to teaching these children indoors. 

We ended up conducting our classes in indoor classrooms, where the children were split up into three different groups and in three different classrooms. We split our 12-man team up, with 4 of us in each classroom. We tried to do everything in the teaching plan but adjusted it slightly to better fit the environment we had to adapt to. Towards the last 15 minutes, some groups were quite lost and running out of ideas. I went to their classrooms to try and help out as much as I could. 

Our goal for today's visit was to make the best out of our situation, given that we would be switching up our group members in the coming weeks. I think our group did a very good job in doing so, and I am very proud of the way we thought off the top of our heads to make the best out of what we had. 

Overall, this trip was successful and taught us how to come up with new ideas on the spot. Next time, I will try to make sure I check the weather and be prepared for any situation to avoid something similar to this happening again. 

- Chrys Yue

October 19, 2022

Today was our second visit to the autism centre. It was also our inaugurate attempt of the new schedule. We communicated with the autism centre, Joe and our team members about combining the first session with the last session. This would mean that we only conducted two session with these children, both lasting one hour, instead of having three sessions, the first and last lasting 20 and 40 minutes respectively. 

Before we even arrived at the autism centre, our first issue occured. Kyle and TY couldn’t leave because they were sick. We resolved this issue by giving them work to do while on campus that would benefit us. We created a doc that included observations from the last visit and asked them to identify issues and solutions, and then create a new teaching plan addressing those issues and solutions. 

While Kyle and TY were busy doing the work we assigned them on campus, the rest of us conducted our sessions at the autism centre. Our teaching plan was very similar to the first visit. Since last week, we didn’t have a lot of time to analyze our observations and come up with a completely new teaching plan, so we thoroughly modified our teaching plan to better suit the new schedule. The first session didn’t go too well. We weren’t too energetic and most of us got annoyed when the children didn’t listen. However, on the second session, we were a lot more energetic and engaged with the children. The second session had older kids too, which played a roll in our reaction towards their behaviour. 

Overall, this trip helped us build and prepare for the next trip. We are sure that when we go on our next trip with a full team, we will succeed in making these children enjoy football. 

- Chrys Yue

October 12, 2022

Today was our first visit to the autism school to teach the children football. The children all ranged from 5-7 years old. The football teaching was split up into three different sessions, the first lasting 40 minutes, the second 60 minutes and the final session 30 minutes. We also had much free time in between football teaching sessions, most of which we spent in the meeting room inside the autism school. Some students chose to study and revise for upcoming tests, while others played games on their phones with their peers. 

Our goal for the day was to learn and understand the children’s behaviour and learn how we could better prepare for the upcoming teaching sessions. Each teaching session brought up different challenges, and as much as we came prepared to coach and teach these children, improvisation was needed to run the sessions smoothly. For example, the children's focus was even less than we expected, so we needed to incorporate different methods for us to capture their focus. 

A few of the observations we also made were that their behaviour changed rapidly. One second they’re running around for the ball having a great time and the next they’re rolling around on the ground crying. This will be something we need to get used to and adapt to our teaching plan. This was one of the many observations we made. 

Overall, our first trip was a success and our goal to learn and understand these children was reached. We are all extremely excited to go again. 

- Chrys Yue

October 1, 2022

Today, we conducted our first meeting as a team. Joe briefed us on the China Grassroots Program, explaining the origins, impact and advice on how to plan a fun and engaging activities. We were able to participate, ask questions and interact with Joe and each other in general, which helped us gain more knowledge about the program. 

We started off with Joe introducing the Grassroots Football program to us and explaining how the program was founded and how it has expanded since. He continued by telling us our tasks and letting us figure out ways to achieve them. We did this by brainstorming different methods to make our activities fun yet simple to understand, and we all took part in sharing ideas. This was followed by Joe giving us feedback. He gave us helpful feedback on how we could improve our plan, as well as giving us advice on how we can deal with children with autism. 

The three key takeaways from this meeting for us would be: 1. Teamwork is key to success in this program. 2. All the activities we decide to do must be simplified as much as possible. 3. Make everything fun. 

Overall, today was very successful in terms of learning and understanding the China Grassroots Football program.

- Chrys Yue

Hangzhou 9

March 9, 2022

Learning from our previous experience at the centre, we tweaked our activities to better suit the needs of our community.  For the morning, we had the same students as last time, and again they were enthusiastic and we all had a fantastic time. After a short trip to a nearby mall for lunch, we continued with our activities.  It was extremely challenging to connect with more challenged children, but we tried our best and simplified the activities greatly, trying to maximise their active time on the ball.  Despite some similar setbacks, we again had a very enjoyable time with these children.  It was great to see their skills take some shape and as their teacher excitedly recounted they had begun to build a passion for football through our experiences, which is very heartwarming and what Grassroots Football is fundamentally about.  

- Julian Sung 

March 2, 2022

Today our group went to a special school for autistic children to play football with them. We are trying to introduce football to children who don’t have the opportunity that we do. The highlight of our day would be the first hour, where kids were enthusiastic during our activities and finally played a really fun game against us.

- Chris Ruan

Hangzhou 8

(video credit: China Grassroots Football)

June 5, 2021

While brainstorming ideas for our beyond project, the six of us came together and decided that we wanted to bring children from underprivileged areas of China a platform to pursue their passions. We knew from our previous Links trips to Lin’an that there was definitely a need for such an opportunity, as many of the students stated that they rarely had the time or opportunity to play football outside of school. When they heard about our idea of hosting a football tournament between schools in Lin’an at CGF’s state of the art facilities, they were absolutely ecstatic. 

After we had our heart set on hosting a football tournament for the children in Lin’an, we divided our roles. Since I was already a Links leader in charge of the China Grassroots Football group, it made sense that I would be organizing the tournament together with CGF, as I already had a close bond with them. James Wang also wanted to practice his skills in hosting events, so we decided that we would be the head organisers of this project. James Zhang was extremely passionate about bringing happiness to the underprivileged children, so we elected him as the head of entertainment for our football festival, with Ryan and Kenneth working with him. Lastly, we wanted to document our whole experience around the festival, so Nicholas was in charge of photography and documenting the entire event. 

In the weeks leading up to the festival, James Wang and I had plenty of work to do. We wanted this festival to be an unforgettable experience for these children that likely would never have this chance again, so even the smallest details regarding the tournament had to be ironed out. We started by sorting out the most pressing issues in terms of hosting the tournament. We needed to figure out a venue for the tournament, find schools to attend, and finally format and organize the tournament in a manner that would be enjoyable for everyone. 

With none of us having any experience in hosting a tournament, it became clear to us that it would not be possible for us to run a successful tournament on our own. Luckily for us, the perfect partner for this tournament had already been in a close relationship with CIS for many years, and was willing to help us set up the tournament. Without CGF, there would be no way that we would have been able to host the football festival. CGF shared the same goal as we did, which was to raise awareness for football all across the country. After reading over the careful proposal that James Wang and I drafted, they realised that this was a great opportunity for students in Lin’an to experience a proper football tournament, and candidly agreed to help us. 

Through much deliberation between our group, CGF, Mr Matheson and Mr Jones, we agreed on our general plan. We would host a 1 day tournament at CGF’s headquarters, inviting 4 schools from around Lin’an to not only have the experience of playing competitive football with other schools, but also have the chance to have fun with other side stalls (that James Zhang the head of entertainment would be focusing on) that would also improve their cultural knowledge with football. 

On the day of the tournament, all the preparation that had gone into it came to use. Due to our excessive planning that had gone into the festival, everyone knew their roles and executed them perfectly. Half of our venue was dedicated to the football games, while the students that were not playing at the time could use the other half of the venue to engage in the fun stalls that James Zhang hosted. Throughout the day, not only were we astonished by their brilliant football ability, we also felt extremely rewarded as it was visible how much fun they were having. In the afternoon, we invited several students from an autism school based in Hangzhou to also experience our unique festival. This also opened our eyes to the difficulties that some students have to face regularly, as it was clear to us that they often struggled to understand the instructions we gave them.

In summary, this experience has given us an opportunity to give underprivileged students in China an unforgettable football experience that they will cherish for the rest of their lives. In my ending ceremony speech, I encouraged them to not let anyone discourage them from pursuing our passion. Our primary aim of hosting this football tournament was not to let the children have fun, but to remind them that at their young age, anything is possible in life, and they shouldn’t let other people beat down their dreams. This football tournament was meant for them to have a chance to explore their passion of football, and hopefully take it farther in the future.

- James Guo

May 26, 2021

Even though our final LINKS day didn’t go as planned due to reasons beyond our control, we still feel as if we were able to bring the children from the school a meaningful experience. Instead of playing football with the children as we were planning to do, we decided to use this as an opportunity to give them an english lesson, teaching them basic football terminology as well as how to engage in simple dialogues. We were astounded by how engaged the children were in our lesson, as they were constantly proactive in participating in our discussions. Even though this was our final Links trip, we believe that in our limited amount of time with the students, we have given the children a meaningful experience that they will never forget.

- James Guo

May 19, 2021

Today was a gratifying experience in giving back to the community that we’ll never forget. We started the day by taking an hour-long bus ride to a semi professional training facility, where we prepared the drills and activities we would do once we arrived at the school, which was another hour’s bus ride away. Since it was starting to rain when we got to the training facility, we prepared a plan and teaching material for the kids if it was still raining. When we arrived at the school, we were greeted by a classroom of excited nine year olds. It was still raining at that point, so we made use of our backup plan and taught the students english vocabulary about football, famous players, celebrations, and basic football knowledge. There were three rows of students in the classroom, so the 6 of us split up so that 3 of us would teach the whole class while the other three would help the kids who had more trouble understanding. Immediately, we were impressed by their willingness to learn, and their attentiveness. We played a game where the 3 rows would compete against each other and answer questions to earn points, and all the students were extremely excited and eager to answer questions. This truly was a valuable learning experience, and I hope we were able to provide the children with an equally valuable learning experience. 

- Kenneth Fu

April 21, 2021

Today was a gratifying experience in giving back to the community, that we’ll never forget. We started the day by taking an hour long bus ride to a semi professional training facility, where we prepared the drills and activities we would do once we arrived at the school, which was another hour’s bus ride away. When we arrived at the school, we were greeted by two  classrooms of hesitant nine year olds. Immediately, we were impressed by their willingness to learn, and their attentiveness. They took us to their pitch, and everything went well. The children were very eager to do all the activities we planned, and for the most part, were focused on the tasks we gave us. This truly was a valuable learning experience, and I hope we were able to provide the children with an equally valuable learning experience. 

- Ryan O'Brien

Hangzhou 7

October 29, 2019

We started off our first full links day by travelling to the Grassroots Football facility to grab lunch and chat with the Grassroots director, Joe, on what we were planning on doing when we arrived at the rural school later on. We then headed to the field in the Grassroots Football facility and practiced and ran through the warmups and drills we were gonna run with the kids, and played a game of football to get everyone warmed up. Afterwards, we took a bus ride to the school. On the bus ride, we made sure that we were prepared with what we were going to teach the kids for the English class that we scheduled with the school by the last minute. Once we arrived at the school, we were greeted by a large crowd of beautiful, illuminate and vivid smiles from young kids who patiently waited for us to arrive. We started off by going to a classroom with the kids, bonding with them, and getting to know them. We taught them basic football terminology in English, while providing fun, interactive, and exciting quizzes. We then headed to the football field with the children, and ran the warmups we had planned with Jason before. We set up 4 stations that offered shooting, passing, ball control and communication drills and fun football games. The stations were very organized, but we encountered a sudden challenge. There were another 25 students who wanted to join the drills we were running, and without complaining or declining the students, all of our Grassroots members welcomed them with open arms, and although we had not expected so many people at each station, we handled the challenge very well and efficiently. The kids enjoyed all the stations and had a great time with our Grassroots members, and at the end of each station, we made sure that sportsmanship was shown and taught them how to respect each other with simple things such as handshakes, high fives, and saying thank you. Our Grassroots members got along so well with the kids that the PE teacher of the school promised to let us teach the same set of kids the next time we came. After our goodbyes, we took a 2 hour bus ride back to Hangzhou CIS campus. Despite the traffic, and extremely long bus ride that our Grassroots members had to go to, no complaints were made, and everyone said that the experience of helping the kids was so great that it was worth taking the long bus rides.

~Justin K

October 8, 2019

Today Jason, one of the professional staff at Sinobal Football Club, came to our schools pitch to give us more information on what to expect when going on excursions to schools and teaching football to the kids. He introduced a training method to us where we split up in stations and run different drills and games with the kids, and we rotate every 5-10 minutes. Additionally, he taught us some warm up drills, dribbling drills suitable for the age of the kids we were teaching, and he supervised and gave his opinion on the games we chose and wanted to teach the kids. After this, we played a beautiful game of football for half an hour. Our goal for this trip was to continue developing relationships with the Grassroots and Sinobal Football Club staff, and to gain a better understanding of what to teach the kids. This was completed in a very efficient and enthusiastic manner, all students wanted to get involved as much as possible, they were all extremely respectful, and asked a lot of rational and relevant questions. 

Throughout the next few weeks, we aim to finalise the drills and games we are going to run, and have a fully detailed agenda of what we want to run. We want to get in touch with the PE teacher of the school we will be teaching in regarding how many students to expect, equipment needed and other side notes.

Overall, this trip was extremely meaningful as it brought everyone together and prepared us for the excursion coming in October 29, and in between now and then, we also aim to accomplish all the tasks we have set for ourselves, and stay excited to help out the children! 

~Justin K

September 9, 2019

Today a professionally trained physician came to CIS HZ campus to give us a talk on how to prevent injury and what to do when encountering a situation where injury is present. 

~Justin K

September 17, 2019

Today we visited the China Grassroots Football facility with a group of 16 people who were all ardent supporters of the cause and purpose of the organization, and were zealous to apply their understanding of football and sports by giving children in bad financial states the opportunity to learn football on the field and respect off the field. 

When we arrived at the facility, we were greeted by the director of the program, Joe. He ran through a presentation that explained the agenda of a typical day working with Grassroots. He explained the history of CIS Hangzhou’s partnership with Grassroots, and how last year, Hangzhou 6’ was incomplete with creating a website that would increase the transparency of Grassroots, as people from all provinces would be able to learn football online if there was a website. We established some goals we wanted to achieve this year with Grassroots, for example, creating a website with videos and tutorials online, helping repair the pitch damaged by the typhoon, and coaching more than one school. 

We learned more about what kind of kids we were working with, the quantity of students will be around 80-100, which is a challenge we are super keen on tackling, and they are all about 6-7 years old, so we were taught how to manage them, and key things to keep in mind, such as the fact that they have short attention spans, are incapable of doing too much physical activity and that they may not be disciplined and might not listen. 

We were taught warmups for the kids by a professional football player from Sinobal Football Club. Overall, it was a great experience and trip, and the whole group was extremely polite and respectful, and we are very keen on what will be happening next week. Next week, we will get the opportunity to visit a sports hospital and gain information on how to prevent injury. 

~Justin K