
Welcome to Psychology in the Sixth Form at CHS

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Welcome, I am Clare Cunningham the Head of the Psychology Department here at CHS.  

Psychology is the fascinating study about  the human mind and behaviour. It will give you an insight into both yourself and other people.   

Start by watching the video here to learn more .... 

"You will come across lots of really interesting research studies such as the Zimbardo Prison study, and you will also find out about practical applications of research for the real world such as the cognitive interview to help police when they interview eyewitnesses". 

"Covering the topic area of memory has helped me to improve my revision and study habits in all of my A Levels. For example, I now know the importance of chunking information, creating meaning in order to move information from the short term memory into the long term memory and the role of sleep in the development of new long term stable memories". 

Lower Sixth Psychology Course

The lower sixth course will introduce you to main Psychological approaches which will give you a plethora of explanations about the causes of a variety of different human behaviours. You will also gain knowledge about how to conduct Psychological research. In addition the other main topics you will look at include Social Influence, Memory, Attachment and Psychopathology. 

Upper Sixth Psychology Course

The upper sixth students will further develop their analytical skills through topics such as issues and debates which will delve into areas such as freewill V determinism and nature V nurture. Students will also explore  topics areas such as Schizophrenia, Gender and Forensic Psychology. In addition students will develop their skills of statistical analysis.

What are the benefits of studying  A Level Psychology?

Studying Psychology will compliment many other A Level subjects as it gives you a grounding in scientific theory, statistical analysis and essay writing skills.

It will help you to develop your research, communication and analytical skills.

Gaining subject specific knowledge will give you a greater understanding about yourself and other people which will help you to develop you inter personal skills.

You can go on to pursue many different career paths such as clinical, organisation, counselling, sports, research and forensic Psychology to name just a few.

Career Paths within Psychology                                                 

The Psychology Team.

Please contact our Head of Department if you have any further questions .