
Welcome to Mathematics in the Sixth Form at CHS

The CHS Mathematics Department offers three separate courses in the Sixth Form:

This page is only concerned with the first of those three options. Be sure to have a look at the separate pages for the other two options if they might be of interest. 

Here is Mrs Mackintosh to give you an overview of the Maths A Level itself >>


What will I be studying?

Lower Sixth

Pure Mathematics



Upper Sixth

Pure Mathematics



What do students say about it?

What is the best thing about studying A-Level Maths?

How does it compare to GCSE?

Do you feel supported by your teachers?

Has A-Level changed what you think about the subject?

Has A-Level Maths been important for your plans after CHS?

What do the exam papers look like?

These might look a bit scary right now. But don't worry, you've got two years to work up to this.

Won't it be great when you can do this stuff?


Example Pure paper

Example Applied paper


What are the entry requirements?

We will require you to have an 8 grade at GCSE (or IGCSE).

Is there any coursework?

No! Hurray!

Do I need a graphical calculator?

Yes, you do. And we'll need you to get a specific model (Casio fx-CG50) in order that we can help you to use it. We sell these at cost price (about £80) from the Maths Office and the charge can go on to the school bill. You may be able to find them cheaper elsewhere (or even buy second-hand) and that is, of course, absolutely fine.

The calculators can offer significant help for certain questions and they invariably offer ways to check your answers - which is really useful in exams. You need to be using your calculator regularly from the outset so that you develop the skills to use it quickly and without any hesitation. The menus and functions can be rather baffling to start with but you'll soon find that you are using it as comfortably as you use your phone if you practice with it.

What support do you offer?

Your class teachers will always be ready to give up their time to help you with anything that you are struggling with. You just need to ask.

In addition to this we run a Sixth Form Work Club once a week. This is a quiet space in which you can get on with any Maths work of your choosing (including homework). A maths teacher will be on hand to provide help if you need it.

As exams approach we'll also run dedicated revision sessions (if there is demand for them).

Are there any extra-curricular activities?

We get involved in lots of competitions and challenges that run both locally and nationally. Many of these require you to form a team with friends or classmates and we are always keen for you to participate in these.

We also run an Enrichment Club which will give you the opportunity to engage with some interesting Maths problems that you might not encounter in lessons. The club will often use forthcoming competitions to inspire what it will be doing from one week to the next.

The Mathematics Team

Please contact the Head of Department if you have any further questions .