Modern Languages

Welcome to Modern Languages in the Sixth Form at CHS

I am Mr Wilson, Head of Modern Languages at CHS.

Before you look at the specific information for each of the three languages we offer at A Level (French, German and Spanish), I encourage you to start by watching the video to the right to gain an overview about why you might consider continuing your language learning beyond GCSE/IGCSE level.

We are also offer L6 students the chance to spend 2 weeks studying at one of our our partner schools in France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland. If it is of interest, you should contact me, Mr Wilson (, by the Sixth Form Options deadline, specifying which location is of interest. We will then have time to plan accordingly and to apply for funding through the Turing Scheme.

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"When I look back and remember the make up of my sixth-form groups in languages, we had scientists, historians, economists and more. It made for a variety of perspectives and, being multilingual, we all went off feeling we had the chance to experience so much more of the world."

Amy, Class of 2018

"There are so many opportunities inside and outside the classroom. Go on the trips, spend time at one of the partner schools, join the team for the Debating Competition, write for CHS' very own magazine for language learning, The Cultured Linguist. I left armed with another language, a great tool which I have used in so many ways."

Jack, Class of 2017


Are there any GCSE/IGCSE requirements?

Yes, you would have achieved at least a Grade 7 at GCSE/IGCSE.

What are suitable combinations of subjects?

A language sits well with all subjects combinations. Given the flexibility of the chosen speaking topic, students enjoy the ability to research their other academic interests through the context of the languages where their chosen language is spoken. Ultimately, your opportunities within any career pathway are enhanced if you are able to use a language at a high level.

Can I spend time abroad?

Yes. We believe that spending time in a country where your language is spoken is fundamental. We have a wide range of opportunities. Each language has specific trips which tend to run over a long weekend. However, there are also wider opportunities to spend extended periods at our partner schools in France, Germany, Switzerland and Spain. To express an interest in this, contact Mr Wilson ( - sorting this in Year 11 allows us to plan ahead and also increases chances of funding through The Turing Scheme.

What do students go on to study at university?

Most students continue their language(s) in some capacity beyond the course - this can be joint honours or can be as a subsidiary of their main degree. Our students have found that they are able to have opportunities abroad to enhance their experience and employability, regardless of their degree choice. In the last 5 years degree choices have included the following (listed alphabetically):

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Engineering

  • European Studies

  • Geography

  • History

  • International Business and Management

  • Law

  • Mathematics

  • Medicine

  • Modern Languages (various combinations, including some with a new language)

  • Politics

  • Psychology

Our recent record for Oxbridge has also been exceptional with 8 successful applications in the last four years (2 Cambridge and 6 Oxford).

Read a typical edition of our magazine, created by our students >>

Follow us on Twitter for a full flavour of the world of language learning @chs_linguists

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