
Isha Vishwanath, 2027Published 5/4/24

When a storm hits, many people reach for their umbrella without a second thought. However, it is easy to overlook the importance umbrellas have held across the centuries of their existence. How did these essential tools come to be, and how much have they changed since their original creation?

Emily Junaedi, 2027Published 4/2/24

Many pet owners feel like their furry companions have a sixth sense that lets them know exactly how their owners are feeling. This "sixth sense" is not telepathic, though; all it takes is chemicals, hormones, and a pet's nose. How exactly do pets use their noses to detect their owners' emotions, and how else has this extraordinary "sixth sense" been used to benefit pet owners?

Malakhi Beyah, 2025Published 2/29/2024

OpenAI's novel Sora program can generate breathtaking videos that blur the line between artificial intelligence and reality. How does it work, and what implications does it have for the future of AI-generated videos?

Daniel Ein Alshaeba, 2025Published 2/28/2024

George Washington Carver is often celebrated for his numerous contributions to science and racial equality. Who was this trailblazer, and what effect does he continue to have on the world today?

Malakhi Beyah, 2025Published 1/31/2024

At a recent event, NASA unveiled its Quesst X-59 jet to the public. Why is this jet so important, and what benefits could it have for the future of air travel?

Daniel Ein Alshaeba, 2025Published 12/6/2023

On November 21, 2023, Google displayed a new doodle commemorating the 87th birthday of Dr. Victor Chang, an esteemed surgeon who made key contributions to the field of heart transplantation.  

Emily Junaedi, 2027Published 11/30/23
Zodiac signs are often a source of entertainment in our modern day, whether it be checking an online horoscope or gaining personality insight. Many do not realize that the roots of Zodiac signs extend back to ancient Greece. 
Malakhi Beyah, 2025Published 11/27/23
Active Noise Cancellation is an increasingly common feature in headphones and earbuds. How exactly does this technology work, and what can be done to improve it?
Emily Junaedi, 2027Published 11/17/23
Enormous piles of trash are accumulating in the ocean, threatening all types of marine life. How does this happen, and what action can be taken to clean it up?
Emily Junaedi, 2027Published 11/17/23
Music has always been a large, enjoyable part of our everyday lives. But how exactly does music affect the emotions we feel when we listen to it?
Emily Junaedi, 2027Published 11/2/23
We use our tongues every day without putting much thought into it. But how exactly does this essential organ work?
Malakhi Beyah, 2025Published 10/23/23
It is hard to ignore the fact that last September was a lot hotter than it was supposed to be. Why was it like that, and was the unusual heat really only limited to last month?
Isha Vishwanath, 2027Published 10/21/23
By now, many of us have gotten used to using popular AI platforms to make our lives easier. But will the drawbacks of AI outweigh its benefits in the near future?
Chelsea Natale, 2027Published 10/7/23
This year marks the 65-year anniversary of NASA. What has the space agency achieved since its creation in 1958?
Ella Paul, 2024Published 9/29/23
The question of “Are Zoos Good or Bad?” became such a popular essay topic for young students, but downside to the popularization of this debate in a young crowd is that the superficial arguments used in a simple essay or debate by young kids distract from real evidence that might help people realize the benefit of zoos. Recently, wildlife scientists have begun to publicly support zoos.  
Daniel Ein Alshaeba, 2025Published 9/27/23
Apple finally delivers on long awaited hope for Augmented Reality technology with impressive controls, but a hefty price tag. 
Malakhi Beyah, 2025Published 9/26/23
We may have the chance to experience the first Space Race in 50 years as countries speed towards the Moon. What should we expect from this new competition?
Ella Paul, 2024Published 11/03/22
An environmentally conscious solution may not be as beneficial as we think due to health implications. 
Peggy Weng, 2025Published 10/29/22
It's fall, and as we all get out to admire the foliage, let's appreciate the science behind these colors!
Peggy Weng, 2025Published 9/19/22

Single-use plastics are a huge part of our daily lives. But policies need to be enacted before we start drowning in it.

Peggy Weng, 2025Published 5/3/22

This April 22nd was Earth Day. On Earth Day, we bring all of our awareness to the planet we live on in order to preserve the natural and healthy environment to the greatest extent possible. Even if it is not Earth Day, we still can help by committing to simple actions every day.
Grace Downing, 2022Published 2/23/22

Marvel has been known to hook in its gigantic audience through its household name actors, impeccable storytelling, and the long wait fans must endure between films.  But there is a certain ingredient in the Marvel cinematic universe that has kept Marvel relevant for all these years: its ability to make us question our own reality.

Lilly Rosier, 2023Published 1/19/22

The first successful pig-to-human heart transplantation occurred in early January. This possible life-changing scientific xenotransplantation discovery for a 57-year-old man and the whole world.

Grace Downing, 2022Published 10/28/21

As we add staying safe to our Halloween bucket list, we always need to be working to have a more sustainable holiday this season.  There are always ways to keep the planet healthy, and still have fun!

Julianna Distante, 2021Published 1/9/21

Curious about the new COVID-19 vaccine?  CHS Nurse Nancy Stanton shares her experience with the vaccine.

Sagarika Srinivasan, 2023Published 12/21/20

Curious to how our furry friends can help us even more than they already do?  Find out how they can sniff out the novel Coronavirus!

Grace Downing, 2022Published 12/8/20

A shocking look at an all-too common shopping habit: the impacts of online shopping on our planet

Grace Downing, 2022Published 12/6/21

If you are looking for a way to be more sustainable, this company can help you eat healthier on a budget and reduce food waste.

Julianna Distante, 2021Published 10/20/20

As climate change continues to become a topic of importance, how does the fossil fuel industry play into this? Is fracking necessary for our economy even at the expense of the environment?

Grace Downing, 2022Published 10/12/20

As the climate crisis intensifies, two artists have put up a massive clock on the Metronome in New York City to show just how urgent the situation is becoming.