Fracking: What is it?


By Julianna Distante, 2021

Published 10/20/20

Following the 2020 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates, fracking has been brought into the spotlight. What is it? Simply, hydraulic fracking is the process in which liquid is injected at high pressure into subterranean rocks to force open existing fissures and extract either oil or gas. What makes this fossil fuel extraction method so controversial?

Supporters of hydraulic fracking have said that they support because this signifies a boost in the economy. This process assisted in creating a booming economy by creating an oil and gas boom while lowering the prices of gas.

While the success of our economy is important, there can be seriously harmful environmental effects as well. In the process of fracking, there is a serious risk of exposure to chemicals, sicknesses, and in some serious cases of those affected, death.

A major issue coming to light surrounding fracking has become the potential threat of contaminated drinking water. This dangerous possibility can leave one fearful or this method of fossil fuel extraction. Those in favor of fracking claim it is highly unlikely that these fracking operations will create cracks in the earth that will lead to chemical contamination in aquifers or other ground or surface water sources. Anti-frackers have the backing of a study that proved fracking can most definitely contaminate drinking water. There is simply too much to risk involving the environment.

Fracking, from an environmental point of view, has it’s potentially detrimental affect on our physical landscape. The sheer process of injecting high pressure water into the earth's surface has its negative effects. Now we begin to see how it plays a role in politics.