April: Earth Day and Climate Change Awareness


By Peggy Weng, 2025

Published 5/3/22

Photo courtesy of Google Images.

This April 22nd was Earth Day. On Earth Day, we bring all of our awareness to the planet we live on in order to preserve the natural and healthy environment to the greatest extent possible. Climate change and pollution are popular topics right now as we hear about global warming and other problems.

Global warming is mainly caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Many human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and food processing play a big role in the melting of glaciers. This threat looms over many species that thrive in cold climates as well as people who live on coastlines. Scientists proposed that planting trees would be a solution to this problem as trees require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and oxygen is released as a byproduct. As of now, there are many organizations that are working to plant millions of trees in the world and you can be part of that.

Another one of the many problems that pose a threat to the environment and organisms is plastic. More and more plastic bags, straws, and single-use items are being used every day. This does offer convenience but as they are carelessly thrown away, they end up in oceans and release toxic chemicals into the water. The fish we eat could be contaminated with these chemicals. Plastic kills aquatic animals when they are mistaken as food. Right now, companies are investing in biodegradable plastics that could potentially help. The government has placed plastic bag taxes in many areas. We can also get involved by switching to reusable bags or metal straws. Educating others plays a role in the solution. Maybe talk to companies or restaurants about using more sustainable packaging?

Currently, I’m trying to do what is in my power to reduce the amount of trash and waste going into landfills. Instead of throwing away a broken item, I always decide to try and fix it to give it a second life. I love to save up product packaging and boxes for art projects.

Remember…. Even if it is not Earth Day, we still can help by committing to simple actions every day, such as volunteering to pick up litter, not buying random unwanted items while shopping, finding methods to reuse or donate old things, or carpooling to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. We, as individuals, can make a small difference, and together, we can change the world.