Immune Boosting recipes

For our project, we decided to choose Immune boosting because having a strong immune system can help protect us from any bad invaders entering. The immune system can release a white cell and proteins to kill any invaders. We also decided to use two recipes that can help boost the system and make it stronger or more active. Some common problems you could have with your immune system are Type 1 diabetes or multiple sclerosis. All these problems can lead to an immune system failure which can cause the body to attack its own issues. We choose recipes that can help with immune problems. In both of our recipes, we are including Vitamin C and D which all help the immune system. One of our recipes is Broccoli and turmeric soup. Our last recipe is a fruit smoothie and it consists of oranges and carrots which both can help your immune system become stronger by protecting your cells and from any damage to your body.


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Recipe Template2.pdf

Vitamin C with Immune systems

Vitamin C pushes the production of white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which will help protect the body against infection.

Our vitamin C booster smoothie contains half of an orange and two carrots. We chose this recipe because oranges have calcium and potassium which can help support and protect the body from sicknesses like cancer or heart disease. Our next main ingredient, carrots, has vitamin C which can also control your blood pressure. Carrots can protect and boost your immune system because they have antioxidants in the juice. So by combining these two foods together, they can both help boost the immune system and making it function well and stronger.

Broccoli turmeric soup is full of fresh ingredients like carrots and turmeric with immune-boosting properties. Carrots include Beta-carotene which is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation and boost immune function by increasing disease-fighting cells in the body. Turmeric helps the immune system by increasing the speed and strength of your immune system

Biomolecules Present

Mostly in our Broccoli turmeric soup, there is broccoli and carrots. Broccoli has carbohydrates and proteins, carbs give your brain and body energy. Broccoli carries three types of carbs, starch, sugar, and fiber. Eating broccoli may also lower yo risk to get cancer. Carrots are low in carbs and even lower in protein. Carrots are high in beta-carotene which gives carrots their color.

Now in our second recipe, Vitamin C boosting smoothie the major ingredient is oranges and carrots again. Oranges are high in carbs and nucleic acids such as citric, malic, and ascorbic acid. sucrose, glucose, and fructose.


Ayne A., Ellen M., Nasir R., Monique V.